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What is the point of the shop in the game.


In the early versions it sell you some items that unlock some H scenes from the Gallery, in the update 0.96 you can buy some items that give you skill or power points, probably for next updates

OK thx


so lets say i wanted to become as stupidly overpowered as possible what all would i need to do to get as strong as possible (note both power and skill factor into this)

(1 edit) (+1)

just train whenever the options show up, also interactions with Michael can increase skill, near the end of the current update the shop keep sells a few items that increase power and skill, as far as i know evolution 3 is the furthest you can get atm


so none of the events or paths can increase power just the training that has been there since the beginning


Well if you do the cheerleader route you'll be able to get 3 skill pts. Also some fight scene choices will increase both power and skill


Which ones if you remember? most of the fight choices i ran into were, you die, or you don't die


For example, before the mall event where your identity it's revealed, you can go to train, if you fight on the sewers against the Minyiaks, depending on your choices, you'll get 1 or 2 power and skill points, that applies to some future fights too


You have to kill whenever you get the chance. Killing makes you stronger.


Didnt know that bit, i was trying to keep my corruption low 


There's no penalty for doing that. All checks so far require sufficient power OR skill, so as long you keep up on skill, you can forego the power gains from corruption.

Search up universal mod


i created an acount just to say this. i hate it when this game updates because everytime it does it leaves me on a cliffhanger plz plz plz plz plz plz update soon

same this is the best game I ever play on my laptop like fr I don’t understand how their this creative 


Hey I love you r game I would like to suggest to add more scene in monster Girls and do pregnancy content and Birth scene please 




El juego es muy bueno unos de mis favoritos.

how do i fix this


This has to be one of the best games iv'e played,the story,art and everything about it is amazing i cant wait to play future updates and see all the forms the MC will take on


Hey bro, just neededto say that your game is awesom, oneof th ebest story in any vn i have seen, at first the drawing wasn't perfect but now theare also S tier. cheer. continue your work

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hes a pedohiles who simps over little girls

Can anybody give me advice on how to beat falraven I keep dying

keep scrolling down. there is a very in depth guide from a couple of months ago

Yeah so i read it and chose the options it aid wich didnt work last time

Actually im looking for advice on beating falravn without help

Deleted 1 year ago

The only way I found its to have enough power to overwhelm him during the fight


"I am a spear" broke me :_)



Found another image that I did not see yet in the update. 

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Damn I wonder were we find that one.
Imma start up the game again and see if I can find it


you can see this monster in the background sometimes during the raid on sin i havent seen it anywhere else though


you could see them in the background in some scenes, i was wondering when wed finally see one up close


Nooooo not another cliffhanger, And right when it was about to get good, Amazing work tho Love the newer style so much!


Looks like I might be the only one that wants the option to fuck Deryl while the MC is in Female Form.


Probably true , I find it weird tbh 😐


Im whit you bro, that sound rlly weird

Does anyone know what variables get changed when you choose to go right before the D***l fight? I'd like to toggle it while going the other way to see if I can get an interesting non-canon run, but to my knowledge the guide hasn't been updated to that point yet.


With my variables walkthrough in hand it says that the changed variable is AglaeCWif that changes to true when you took the left and stays in false going right and you gain one point in the score against deryl fight, at least that is what i have and i dont have too much of a wish to go trough all the variables in the save again.

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can somebody tell me what this is I still haven't seen it in the new update and I don't know what choices I have to make to see this or is it fake?

I dont know but i think is the last bad ending that was added in the last arc because of a choice, i didnt select that choice but i think that is, somebody else can comfirm this?

ive never seen this either but if this is real im guessing it could be from one of the dead ends very unlikely tho i cant remember any situation that could lead up to this unless it has something to do with max corruption

I have like 347 power, 34 skill, and 1 corruption

How do you get so much power?

(3 edits) (+3)

You got to train every chance you can get and get the horn, the crab pincher, the monster spine, go directly to the west in your nyx mission and she'll give you a serum, fight in close combat against Lauren, and choose the why not I can take it option when going against the one girl with light powers. Also, go to the gym and gymnastics it'll give you skill and some power and remember to wear your helmet. When fighting against Valravn choose in order keep your distance, go all out, and I don't need to evolve. In the hero base you also have to train against Alice and Michael

(2 edits) (+3)

its a corruption dead end. u have to ‘say’ yes to the voice when fighting mutant deryl in last update. if u got enough corruption ull get this, plus a glimpse at deuss(the one who can see future and has weird mask/hat like thingy) abilities.


Thank you


If you want to know how to get that ending, when you are about to evolve and see the Eye, it will ask you what you desire, if you choose POWER then it will tell you what you have to do to get that dead end.

Is really interesting that Dead End.

(1 edit) (+1)

When evolving to level 3 you need to have 25 corruption and to say yes to the eye to get that scene 


That's the bad ending #37.
I had the same question and I got the answer from the discord server, you have to get +25 corruption and click "yes" when the monster or thing that talks to you when you're about to evolve offer you the option.

It will give you ending #36, you have to keep clicking and then you will get more dialogue after the fake ending.

I know I'm late thank you 

(1 edit) (+3)

Just finished the game (for now). I love it a lot and I am quite eager for future updates. This message is mostly inspired by the message presented by WeirdWorld at the end. My interest and enjoyment of the game is sincere and I hope to encourage more people to play it.

Edit: For a game that's less than 3 years old, I think you've done an excellent job with it. I have seen games 5+ years old that do not compare in size or value. It is rare that I find a game that shows so much care from its creator. Keep up great the work.


you wont have to wait long for the next update cuz its dropping in a day or 2 he usually updates the game every 2 months


who wants the step by step, search for: Superhuman Walkthrough.pdf

where it is 


Could someone tell me how to beat mutated Kenny ? I've tried a bunch of things but I always get a dead end

(5 edits) (+1)

if u talk about partymonster kenny

spoilers! spoilers! spoilers! spoilers! spoilers!

then u need to train beforehand, but i dont remember how many times. make right choices in fight( u need to focus him) and thats it. if ur corrupt and eat guys head, then u need to have 8 power.

That worked, thanks.


Por favor trae una atualizacion por favor bro en español no importa si es de España solo traelo y que dios te bendiga 

No te preocupes, no suele tardar más de 2 meses en sacar una actualización. Y hasta donde se está actualizacion va a ser más de chill qué las anteriores. 

Hello, sorry i did search at least a little, but is there a walkthrough for this game at all? I've played all the way though a couple times and had a few results but looking for more.  thanks. 

there used to be a document with instructions on how to unlock a lot of the scenes in the 0.941 and earlier versions folders, not sure if there still is

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is the update still happening? plus someone said mid july but its past mid july.

You need to be patient, it was an estimated guess most likely. The time frame between updates is at least 2 months(more like 2 months and a week or 2). It might be another week.

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yeah probably.


The lastest version was released to subscribers on Patreon two days ago. It will be here within a week.

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oh  i might try to find a pirated version to have a sneak peak then.

The game is free you know. And it's only releasing a couple of days after patreon so just wait.

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yeah i know and the pirated version didn't work anyways plus it had scenes removed and it didn't even have the stuff in the update. but you are kinda late on sending this.


hiya everyone and dumb question maybe but is it even possible to refuse joining up with hero? (lets be real they force us to join) i just really hate the them and teleporting bitch and pissed she just toss us in space like i rather be thrown in a volcano to die then suffocate..... sorry off topic but yea anyway or not able no matter what? it always said when dead not perfect lifeform or something (do i need to be kill happy to achieve) if possible?


No but probably there will be an option to betray them in the future, and i think the perfect lifeform thing is about reaching your final evolution.

It's apparently the DEV's biggest sin in this game, it forces the MC to join HERO if not that bitch NICO throws you into space, and yes that was the biggest turn-off of this game. unfortunately while mc doesn't reach level 5 he can't do anything against Nico, since Ella Level 5 was able to tank Nico's attacks, and I also can't wait for mc to leave HERO. for now it's using the Hero to evolve and then maybe there will be a chance for us to betray the hero and force our way out.

how tf do i defeat Valravn?? 


You have to keep training until you can't before going to the mall, then you will have to keep your distance when it's going to attack, and then go all out. And after that, you have to pick "I don't need to evolve!". 

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oh you can beat it without doing that the training part you do need to do. i mean the part where you have to stay back plus i did it without staying back and saying i do need to evolve and i still beat him just with a police officers help.

Yeah in there is two ways to beat him one where the police chicks saves you and the other where you beat him wihout help and it depends on various things principaly you need to finish training (Literally this is for almost all fights) and depending of the choices in the figth, it haves a internal score of the choices that you make and you obtain one of the two ways depending on this, i think it was 3 points for the ending where the police chick helps you and 4 for the one where you beat him alone and you obtain a relantioship point with niko (The teleporter chick), if you have 80 power and 19 skill it gives you two free points and the decisions let you obtain 3 more so you can beat him wihout having the necesary stats but not obtaining the perfect against him, i will write the decisions below if someone doesnt wants to see them.

1. Keep your distance

2. go all out

3. i dont need to evolve

and you win.

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oh i beat him without finishing my training cause i used cheats 

That is an option too

(1 edit) (+2)

I do have a question about the Shop keep, when you do his request and you deliver the package, you are given 3 options, tho you cant take the mask (i think) theres just the eye and the horn, what does the eye exactly do? it says knowledge or the anticipated pleasure, but what does it do for you as in the character-


Later in the game in a cave there will be an option to go left or right Go left but its later in the game

(1 edit) (+1)

So the eye so far can only be used as a bargaining item with witch/mommy anglecliff "I don't remember her name correctly" when returning the eye, "which is her supposed son" she offers you an extra reward, in my route I leveled my powers and skill by making a pact with her, giving her a son.

Here she is, but you only get to know her later on during the hero's attack on sin!


This game is absolutely amazing! With a well thought out storyline, lots of sex, and some of the best plot-twists out there! Not to mention the epic battle sequences that take place. The long wait between updates is absolutely worth it. 5 Stars all around!


I'm really enjoying the game and have been wanting to see everything it has to offer, however their is so much content I'm getting confused with all my save.  Currently started my 5th run with Liz's ntr route and was wondering if the option for revenge really allows for revenge. 

Do you by chance have a guide or walkthrough that shows what options actually matter in the long run?


The ntr revenge route does have a different ending than the regular one, but doesnt really change the end result as far as i know

oh ok thanks for the heads up


There is a picture with liz with a knife and blood all of over her in the characters folder, did i miss something???


Oof... that's part of the NTR route... it's pretty tragic... I did it out of a sense of completionism but I kinda wish I hadnt...


Can you elaborate in that , I didn't take this choice and honestly I don't want to replay the entire game 

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Well spoiler warning obviously 




















Essentially, she ends up getting kidnapped and strung out on drugs by her manager, gets gangbanged by him and his friends who turn her into a sex slave, up until he mentions he's going to use her to do the same to her sister, which snaps her out of her drug induce stupor, and drives her into a rage where she fucking stabs one guy in the eye with a drug needle he was trying to use on her, gets her ass beaten by the black hitman guy and then pulls some crazy home alone stuff on the him before putting him down (with his own gun I think) and then she completely slaughters the manager with a butcher knife from the kitchen, pretty sure she castrates him too, before you finally show up to find her covered in blood with the house on fire. You compress all the corpses and take her home. Pretty sure she never speaks about it again. I think you actually play as her in the home alone part but I don't remember. She's a fucking badass tho.


Ya completionism or not I will not take that route.Even if she wasn't the mc childhoold friend and  a character that i can have sex with, I will still help her.


But I saw in the image folder that she has sex at the bonfire event with a black guy is that deryl or daryl? or just a stranger?


thanks I guess, I have to say I'm more than happy I didn't take this path

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Yeah it's pretty gut wrenching. Funnily enough the author is making fun of you and calling you a cuck the entire time you're on that route too lol.


I really love your game, it's really awesome! I really want to keep playing it and I'll wait until the next update, I'm going to tell my friends about this game, in my opinion, it's one of the games I ever played!


Amazing game, just so annoying that you need to go right to save one of your friends.


Ugggh just now learned that to save L***** You have to let Deryl go right... no fair. How come I only have the power to save her if HE gets to make bebbies with monster mommy? How is that a score AGAINST Deryl? Guess I have to go back and do it again.


It's actually about gaining more experience against the red light monster, since he uses that ability.


even though the hesitation moment is AFTER killing the red light chimera?


No, not the hesitation. Your character has an easier time coming up with a way around the red light heads (not a choice you get) if they've encountered the monster. Otherwise, just before you get the first choice in the fight, you are almost killed by an attack because you get caught in the light, reducing your strength for later.


Even after evolving? I thought power in a super human resets once evolution is unlocked? Idk man. Just seems real odd that avoiding a super significant event, that can actually result in a power boost is the way to save her.


I rather agree, I think it should have been handled differently, but this is what we're left with. I don't always agree with WW's decisions, but the game is still captivating so far, so I'm along for the ride.

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What you mean by "saving" L*? I tried but i fail everytime. Is there anything you can do?

Edit:nvm i got it



yeah you kinda have to let D**** cuck you outta making babies with the sexy monster waifu.


Ok, how do you get a perfect score against Deryl? Is there a power or skill requirement? Do choices before the fight change the outcome? Is there specific dialogue I should have picked? Can one of you experts help a brother out?


You need to:
- Choose the right path that leads to the red light monster
- Choose "Hesitate" when MC is about to finish off Deryl
- Choose "Destroy the sword before it's finished" when fighting against Deryl's final form
- Have at least 28 skill (choosing to overpower the red light monster will give 3 skill points and 5 power points)

In that order. Don't know why Weird World decided to make it so overly complicated to achieve a perfect score against Deryl, when the Valravn fight was handled in a much more simpler and satisfying way, but it is what it is.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks dude, I was always missing the skill requirement somehow.


Wait what? I'm NOT supposed to bang Grendel's hot goth monster mom? pfft. Screw that perfect score then. I didn't even realize I didn't get it.


I don't like it either. Makes you choose between lore or making sure Jared doesn't get any Ws. Bad place to put a branch like that - seems like they just had to find somewhere to stick a choice.


Goddammit you're right... I forgot until I played it again that it was fucking j*red *phtew* gross... I hate that the first time I played I let him bang me as a girl... I didn't realize he was even a main character, let alone such a shithead.

please help i can't transfer my saves from one version to another


click on the file named game you will find your save file in there then drag the save file to the game file of the new version

I already tried to do this but my saves are not displayed in the game itself

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one question  how come early in the story it gives me almost mo choice on what to do?


Exposition. It's a story where you make some choices. They get more consequential later when your character is powerful enough to change things without getting killed. Early on, the choices are fairly meaningless and you just kinda read it for the story!

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do you know if there's any way to use cheats? i'm trying to get stuff from the shop


Yeah, there's a program called UnRen by Gideon that I personally use for development tools, comes with a console. Look it up and I'm sure you'll find what you want. The variable is called "Money" in this case.

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thanks for the help.


Note that none of the shop items do anything yet.

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the vibators and dildos are for when you pick the option to jerk off. i haven't found the use for the condoms yet plus i dont have all scenes.


Honestly I Showed up for the NSFW stuff but stayed for the story I look forward to more updates


The art took some getting used to but this is one of the best games I've ever played story wise. In a perfect world, this game would have animated scenes.


Does anybody know (at the ending of the current update) what the author meant with "perfect score against Deryl"?


You can save a certain someone.


Against monster Deryl? or do I have to fight him again to heal her in the next update







Having a perfect score against deryl means you can save Laurie, because if you made the wrong decisions she will die instead of brain damage


thanks for the reply 😎


I created an account just to write a comment down there. Man, I genuinely think this is the best VN i ever played. It's not just the NSFW side that is good (even though there are some kinks I don't really like), but the whole damned story and lore is fantastic. The characters are amazingly written and every single one has something to say. The MC is very good, but I love Michael, a human whose life entirely revolves around getting stronger and a better fighter, surpassing even few superhumans in his human form (the battle vs Oscar made me ecstatic). Not to mention Ella and all her "brothers and sisters", I can't wait to know more about Charlie and her power...and yeah I do hope we get a chance to kill Jared, I can't stand him. Finally, the battle of the Diamonds was really like an anime final war-arc, where every character had his moment. Goated game, really looking forward to new content, keep up the good work!


God I can't wait to consume his putrid little peanut brain. Such an easy character to hate.


Does anyone know what is the code that has to be entered in the command console to increase the corruption points? I tried corruption=100, but nothing happened.


how do you get the command console?


You need a program called UnRen, since the command console is not enabled usually [the program can be found in f95zone] after you have the program you extract them to the Game folder, then start it, put the number 3 and that's it. Then when you are playing press shitf+O and the command console will open, here what you can increase. [power=/skill=/money=]


another one on f95zone is URM that stands for universal ren'py mod its pretty simple to use in my opinion


The variable is just corrupt, not corruption.


Thank you, now for sure I can have different options and scenes

Hey, do you know what is the variable to increase the government opinion?


Sure, it's gov .
For future reference, if you're using Unren you can see all variables in the Variable Viewer in the dev menu (hotkey Shift+d).


Is there any purpose to the eye outside the Nordic monster lady, or should I just pick the horn since I would get no benefit if I want to save Laurie?

Deleted 1 year ago

No eye is legit so you can get a 2nd reward, Horn gives you 10 power which helps you perfect Val's fight so Nico can like you.

I managed to perfect Val's fight with having picked the eye. Didn't realize the horn was what you were meant to use for it.

You don't need the horn, and I would recommend against it. If you make all the right choices, you can max skill, which is all you need.

How do i max skill and do i need the eye if i am choosing right?

Damn uh.
Do the cheerleader quests until you can turn into a girl and take the ring from the guy, do liz's quest and lose your virginity to her BEFORE you lose it to chris, so you get skill points from Jake..train obviously......but thats all i remember from memory, just read the walkthrough in the discord

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