Hello, here to write my critique/Review of Superhuman, as asked by fellow asian dude Weird World. So you can basically ignore this comment unless you are scared to lpay the game cuz "me boring" JOSH YOU BETTER GET DA FUCK OUT OF HERE YOUR PEDO I GOT THE FUCKING PRINTS AND YOU BETTER RUN C*NT anyways, shall i begin?
SH critique
To start it good, 10/10 game, if not, 9,9/10. Superhuman is one of the rare games that you can bat an eye on it and you can feel a deep energy inside of you that brings you to the game, WW gave a pretty good description about the game on tfgamesite (the site i found it) and i couldn't resist seeing a game with goth girls in it, as a man of culture wouldn't. Avoiding spoiler or any details about the story for those that may be curious, teh game is fucking fascinating, unlike other types of porn games that try to be cutsie or pinkish, superhuman doesn't sugarcoat it for the sake of porn, the game is dark, the game KNOW it is dark, and the game doesn't hold back jackshit when the game needs to be dark, if you expect to get mugged in a porn game just to have your life spared by sucking the robbers cock, get fucked, here u gonna get a nice 7 palm grave to get smarter next time you fuck around. The game is pretty nihilistic, dark at some places and while there are one or two that tries to get faith on the world that they live, you can still see that the predominant thought is that you better be grinding some power or else you be a bbq for a bigger creature, which they aren't wrong. Yet. Don't be fooled by this review, the game has a funny humour, every character has their charm and pretty clear motivations that mix well with the environment and can be find a reason for such in a quasi-dystopic world that one death may be a tragedy but many deaths is just a statistic, as said by Joseph Stalin.
The designs are creative, sexy, represents well each characters personalities and designs and the best of it: Massive cleavage, i don't care about you thinking that its obnoxiously big, you have bad taste, i'm partial and i'm not goin to make it light, thank you WW, we need more of that.
The designs does what they have to do with no such things as armours, weird hairs, cosmetics or stuff, some characters will have such things, but most people have only their uniform and clothes, maybe a lipstick and a makeup as their principal component, which is great, as i don't see people using a warhammer armour in my daily life, nor do i use it... sadly.
Those are my principal points that i think should be more spotted on a review for a nsfw wannabe game (as the game for sure is more akin to a game with occasional sexo rather than a Ero-Game, trust me.)
Story is great and all in good shape, graphics will have a massive overhaul so i shall wait for the big overhaul, art can be improved in some aspects as some characters has some white spots and chipped parts, but thats something that can be easily changed and can be changed with time, as i think some of em was already brought up by me and others.
Overall, This game is a definite 100/100, maybe a 99/100 or a 98/100, but don't get quirky, this will change soon that you might think.... in 1 year lmfao
I don't have any criticisms that i think could be worthy throwing here, as it will mostly be a matter of taste rather than a technical one as i'm not a geek into story-writing nor painting nor arts nor the game lore nor anything really.
But if i may ask your pardon and give a cent...
1- More asses would be great, massive asses, 60 Inches each, BBL style to match the boobs, the boobs are great but ho lee xiet the ass department has less funds than the breasts one.
2- more "open" sex scenes, the sex scenes of the game are cool and all, but i think it would be good to see more full-body H-scenes, as there was some complaints about details about the body and butt of the characters yet the scenes are pretty chest-centric.
3-More non-protagonist related scenes, at this point of the game i think it wouldn't be possible due to all the fuzz that is happening (go play to get it), but it would be pretty nice to see some content related to how the world around the protagonist is keeping up with all the monster fuss, from civilians getting in panic and opinating about the org's and siding with who or who, the forces from state (cof cof police) trying to see what they do when... they can't do anything realistically, not only that, but how other characters from the world interacts with each other, their day to day lifes, their hobbies that could only be pursued because of their powers or that are normal to humans, their personal beliefs on the scenario that they are, if they are rationalizing or if they are well aware that shit isn't shiny and they have to deal with it...
4-Make more buff girls, you know damn well what are those buff girls that i'm talking about (cof cof M**, E**** and F**M*)
5- now thats just my personal taste but... darker arts and backgrounds? Idk, i like the darker and more punk/goth vibe of the early game, i like dark stuff, goth n all of that XP
anyways, thats it, bye cuz that shit is too long for my taste sorry guys i'll die of aids
What a damn good game, the end of the last update left me speechless, please keep it up, I love your game, I love the story, I love its characters, and I love your art.
I Love your game and the world you are building WeirdWorld.
I would greatly appreciate if you just turned off the comment section or something. It is not okay for Josh and ItzSyther to keep doing this BULL SHIT. The comment section should not be used as a personal warzone for Josh and ItSyther. Please do something about it.
agreed i personally cant wait to see how superhuman ends not to mention weirdworld has already stated he plans to make a sequel to superhuman as well as 4 more currently unnamed games (a vampire game, a necromancer game, a demon game, and a sorcerer game) i am looking forward to all 5 of those future games and finding out if any of them r interconnected or if they all take place in completely separate worlds
I'm really curious to see how either planned games could fit in the superhuman-verse. I think either the sorcerer or necromancer can fit quite nicely in superhuman, although idk if it'll be a spinoff or some type of prequel (imagine the mc in necromancer being a chosen of the Lord of Dark for example :O)
well i mean nyx is basically a necromancer so we know that is possible and duncan even as only a level 3 wielded 4 different elemental abilities so there r powers versatile enough to be mistaken for magic and as far as the vampire and demon go we already have several monsters from various mythologies as monsters in superhuman some examples being the harpy and the gorgon so it is still possible for certain superhumans to be mistaken for a vampire or a demon (especially given the way malik looks) so they could still be in the same world just different times
she is but gymnastic broke her himen so she didn't bleed for what i remenber because if i don't remenber wrong she ask the MC to take her virginity in one escene
People say last scene was a cliffhanger... it was not.
It was a cliff faller. A fingernail puller. An eyeball stabber. A funny bone hitter. A toe stubber. A papercut causer. A hemorrhage starter... hope this helps.
if someone could explain it to me, i haven't played since 0.97 so if its been fixed since then, then please tell me, but during the MCs second evolution, he talks about all his power being focused on his spine and he should protect that, but during the arc when you're trapped in the prison and have to decapitate yourself to escape, it doesn't make sense to me that you are 'leaving behind' your spine, and he mentions that when he was bisected by the pink haired bastard (i forgot his name) he mentions how he grew back from torso down, not legs up, that shouldn't matter since his power is focused on his spine, so when you have to decapitate yourself, wouldn't it make more sense to cut below the collar to grow back from your torso instead of your head?
Well, the second evolution is basically to stablish the bases of Superhuman's powers, and balancing said power. Maybe the Mc's powers weren't fully developed and his regen was prioritizing the most important parts of his body.
So when he evolved, his regen gained a boost and now is capable of regenerating from his spine, meaning that having his head blown off wouldn't kill him anymore.
It's like Danica and Valravn, in a Dead end Danica would split him and the Mc dies instantly, but when he evolved and fought Valravn, he was cutted and split a bunch of times at the same time, worst than Danica's attack, and survived, even seemingly still conscious and ready to fight back instantly.
i think it was stated that unless all of his spine was atomized he could regenerate, it aslo states that the power originates in his skull, and goes down to his tailbone
well, Ella said that on her 5th evo, she could regen from any tiny part of her body. Maybe thats how body evolution works. at first u cant just regen from anything and that fast, but as power grows, so does ur regen abilities grows and changes.
that's fair, however, another way to look at it, in the self decapitation scene, mc stretches neck so that can also be seen as stretching spine. there is also the fact that we learn later on, mc is weird when it comes to super humans, for the sake of not saying spoilers, all im gonna say is that that might have something to do with it
He decapitated himself on his first evolution and he achieved the clarity during his second an hour or so later. during the clarity he learns his power runs along his spine but is concentrated at the top and tailbone hence he will regenerate from the spine or one of those points (which is why the tails act subconsciously and any electricity triggering his nervous system leads to rapid uncontrollable growths). considering he was on his first it would have been easier for his body to regenerate from the head instead of messing with the brain. also how the person thinks their powers work will affect their development (such as Ella saying jakes powers were more people focused and limited than they should be.) TLDR his body saw it easier to regenerate head down.
What are the requirements for passing the third win check for val fighting scene. If the answer can be blocked out with a bar that be great. Don't want to spoilers for those that don't want them. I know I hate them when I don't want them.
1 win check is a skill check of 19 1 win check is a power check of 80 the other 2 r based on choices during the fight 3 win checks will allow u to beat him all 4 result in a perfect win
yeah i looked at the walkthrough again and there r 3 choices that give win points not just 2 so passing either stat check and getting all 3 choices right results in a perfect win sorry about the misinformation
Recently replayed the game a fourth time, and seems i'm only able to get 530 of power- (540) if I buy the monster pincer instead of the rock), I chose the horn instead of the eye, don't know if that does any difference.
I saw on Discord that someone got 574 in power but very little corruption, what choices give you that power?
idk the full story, but iirc (feel free to correct), joshdemon (a.k.a, daadad) claims weirdworld supports cp due to alleged cp pics in discord. Think this started after he was kicked out from the disc group? Been going on for almost a year now, and I gotta say, his persistence is at the apostle level itself lmao. Game doesn't have cp shit dw
ok thank you, but i think its really dumb too go this far for a dc group, in my opinion, and hes been doing this crap for a whole year?! if you're right then at this point he just wants attention
i love the art style, the only thing i can say is that i think it would be nice if there were some characters with smaller boobs, (as someone who likes smaller boobs). it would also be nice if the prison girl who you changed gender comes back, and becomes a recurring character. but all in all, the art is amazing, and i would love to share this game with my friends if it wasn't a porn game
It doesn't have one, but there are people who translate the game into many languages, of course, without permission from the creator, I'm sure a person from your country may have translated it.
I hope there'll be at least one pregnancy route by the end of the game. I'm sure Bramon could create a fertility serum through a monster similar to the one that infects Angeline
Yooooo weirdworld this one was fire, I just loved everything specially the mc moments with his mom, their so wholesome, but bro that cliffhanger was CRIMINAL, I've been waiting to get that faggot too, hope anxiously the next update
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Hello, here to write my critique/Review of Superhuman, as asked by fellow asian dude Weird World.
So you can basically ignore this comment unless you are scared to lpay the game cuz "me boring"
anyways, shall i begin?
SH critique
To start it good, 10/10 game, if not, 9,9/10. Superhuman is one of the rare games that you can bat an eye on it and you can feel a deep energy inside of you that brings you to the game, WW gave a pretty good description about the game on tfgamesite (the site i found it) and i couldn't resist seeing a game with goth girls in it, as a man of culture wouldn't.
Avoiding spoiler or any details about the story for those that may be curious, teh game is fucking fascinating, unlike other types of porn games that try to be cutsie or pinkish, superhuman doesn't sugarcoat it for the sake of porn, the game is dark, the game KNOW it is dark, and the game doesn't hold back jackshit when the game needs to be dark, if you expect to get mugged in a porn game just to have your life spared by sucking the robbers cock, get fucked, here u gonna get a nice 7 palm grave to get smarter next time you fuck around.
The game is pretty nihilistic, dark at some places and while there are one or two that tries to get faith on the world that they live, you can still see that the predominant thought is that you better be grinding some power or else you be a bbq for a bigger creature, which they aren't wrong. Yet. Don't be fooled by this review, the game has a funny humour, every character has their charm and pretty clear motivations that mix well with the environment and can be find a reason for such in a quasi-dystopic world that one death may be a tragedy but many deaths is just a statistic, as said by Joseph Stalin.
The designs are creative, sexy, represents well each characters personalities and designs and the best of it: Massive cleavage, i don't care about you thinking that its obnoxiously big, you have bad taste, i'm partial and i'm not goin to make it light, thank you WW, we need more of that.
The designs does what they have to do with no such things as armours, weird hairs, cosmetics or stuff, some characters will have such things, but most people have only their uniform and clothes, maybe a lipstick and a makeup as their principal component, which is great, as i don't see people using a warhammer armour in my daily life, nor do i use it... sadly.
Those are my principal points that i think should be more spotted on a review for a nsfw wannabe game (as the game for sure is more akin to a game with occasional sexo rather than a Ero-Game, trust me.)
Story is great and all in good shape, graphics will have a massive overhaul so i shall wait for the big overhaul, art can be improved in some aspects as some characters has some white spots and chipped parts, but thats something that can be easily changed and can be changed with time, as i think some of em was already brought up by me and others.
Overall, This game is a definite 100/100, maybe a 99/100 or a 98/100, but don't get quirky, this will change soon that you might think.... in 1 year lmfao
I don't have any criticisms that i think could be worthy throwing here, as it will mostly be a matter of taste rather than a technical one as i'm not a geek into story-writing nor painting nor arts nor the game lore nor anything really.
But if i may ask your pardon and give a cent...
1- More asses would be great, massive asses, 60 Inches each, BBL style to match the boobs, the boobs are great but ho lee xiet the ass department has less funds than the breasts one.
2- more "open" sex scenes, the sex scenes of the game are cool and all, but i think it would be good to see more full-body H-scenes, as there was some complaints about details about the body and butt of the characters yet the scenes are pretty chest-centric.
3-More non-protagonist related scenes, at this point of the game i think it wouldn't be possible due to all the fuzz that is happening (go play to get it), but it would be pretty nice to see some content related to how the world around the protagonist is keeping up with all the monster fuss, from civilians getting in panic and opinating about the org's and siding with who or who, the forces from state (cof cof police) trying to see what they do when... they can't do anything realistically, not only that, but how other characters from the world interacts with each other, their day to day lifes, their hobbies that could only be pursued because of their powers or that are normal to humans, their personal beliefs on the scenario that they are, if they are rationalizing or if they are well aware that shit isn't shiny and they have to deal with it...
4-Make more buff girls, you know damn well what are those buff girls that i'm talking about (cof cof M**, E**** and F**M*)
5- now thats just my personal taste but... darker arts and backgrounds? Idk, i like the darker and more punk/goth vibe of the early game, i like dark stuff, goth n all of that XP
anyways, thats it, bye cuz that shit is too long for my taste sorry guys i'll die of aids
wtf is this jdjsjs dude yapping about
this game is great
ok, exciting7 goes so hard for no reason. Like i caught myself headbanging during the angel tiff scene. so good
What a damn good game, the end of the last update left me speechless, please keep it up, I love your game, I love the story, I love its characters, and I love your art.
I Love your game and the world you are building WeirdWorld.
I would greatly appreciate if you just turned off the comment section or something. It is not okay for Josh and ItzSyther to keep doing this BULL SHIT. The comment section should not be used as a personal warzone for Josh and ItSyther. Please do something about it.
agreed i personally cant wait to see how superhuman ends not to mention weirdworld has already stated he plans to make a sequel to superhuman as well as 4 more currently unnamed games (a vampire game, a necromancer game, a demon game, and a sorcerer game) i am looking forward to all 5 of those future games and finding out if any of them r interconnected or if they all take place in completely separate worlds
I'm really curious to see how either planned games could fit in the superhuman-verse. I think either the sorcerer or necromancer can fit quite nicely in superhuman, although idk if it'll be a spinoff or some type of prequel (imagine the mc in necromancer being a chosen of the Lord of Dark for example :O)
well i mean nyx is basically a necromancer so we know that is possible and duncan even as only a level 3 wielded 4 different elemental abilities so there r powers versatile enough to be mistaken for magic and as far as the vampire and demon go we already have several monsters from various mythologies as monsters in superhuman some examples being the harpy and the gorgon so it is still possible for certain superhumans to be mistaken for a vampire or a demon (especially given the way malik looks) so they could still be in the same world just different times
This game is fire one of the best I ever played please keep up the great work.
Is Alice a virgin before meeting MC??. Because she states she didn't have a boyfriend before and she doesn't seem like the type to do one night stand.
From what I remember, she wasn't.
she is but gymnastic broke her himen so she didn't bleed for what i remenber because if i don't remenber wrong she ask the MC to take her virginity in one escene
I think that was Tiffany, she states MC to taker hers virginity but tells him not worry about blood since her hymen was broken due to horse riding.
This is a 10/10 game the best I ever played I will be waiting for new update
Is there going to be an android port of this game?
People say last scene was a cliffhanger... it was not.
It was a cliff faller. A fingernail puller. An eyeball stabber. A funny bone hitter. A toe stubber. A papercut causer. A hemorrhage starter... hope this helps.
Can anyone tell me if update 1.0 will be a big update with a lot of story?
prolly, the last update had a massive clifhanger
Is there any chance of uploading it to steam?
The creator said during a twitch stream he plans to put it on steam after going through and touching the early parts up
Cole yun seggs update when?
if someone could explain it to me, i haven't played since 0.97 so if its been fixed since then, then please tell me, but during the MCs second evolution, he talks about all his power being focused on his spine and he should protect that, but during the arc when you're trapped in the prison and have to decapitate yourself to escape, it doesn't make sense to me that you are 'leaving behind' your spine, and he mentions that when he was bisected by the pink haired bastard (i forgot his name) he mentions how he grew back from torso down, not legs up, that shouldn't matter since his power is focused on his spine, so when you have to decapitate yourself, wouldn't it make more sense to cut below the collar to grow back from your torso instead of your head?
Well, the second evolution is basically to stablish the bases of Superhuman's powers, and balancing said power. Maybe the Mc's powers weren't fully developed and his regen was prioritizing the most important parts of his body.
So when he evolved, his regen gained a boost and now is capable of regenerating from his spine, meaning that having his head blown off wouldn't kill him anymore.
It's like Danica and Valravn, in a Dead end Danica would split him and the Mc dies instantly, but when he evolved and fought Valravn, he was cutted and split a bunch of times at the same time, worst than Danica's attack, and survived, even seemingly still conscious and ready to fight back instantly.
i think it was stated that unless all of his spine was atomized he could regenerate, it aslo states that the power originates in his skull, and goes down to his tailbone
well, Ella said that on her 5th evo, she could regen from any tiny part of her body. Maybe thats how body evolution works. at first u cant just regen from anything and that fast, but as power grows, so does ur regen abilities grows and changes.
that's fair, however, another way to look at it, in the self decapitation scene, mc stretches neck so that can also be seen as stretching spine. there is also the fact that we learn later on, mc is weird when it comes to super humans, for the sake of not saying spoilers, all im gonna say is that that might have something to do with it
He decapitated himself on his first evolution and he achieved the clarity during his second an hour or so later. during the clarity he learns his power runs along his spine but is concentrated at the top and tailbone hence he will regenerate from the spine or one of those points (which is why the tails act subconsciously and any electricity triggering his nervous system leads to rapid uncontrollable growths). considering he was on his first it would have been easier for his body to regenerate from the head instead of messing with the brain. also how the person thinks their powers work will affect their development (such as Ella saying jakes powers were more people focused and limited than they should be.) TLDR his body saw it easier to regenerate head down.
I am not tripping, right? thats peak.

Dawg I said the same 😭
That shit fireeee 🔥🔥🔥
I love this game but the cliffhangers at the end of updates make me want to die
What are the requirements for passing the third win check for val fighting scene. If the answer can be blocked out with a bar that be great. Don't want to spoilers for those that don't want them. I know I hate them when I don't want them.
1 win check is a skill check of 19
1 win check is a power check of 80
the other 2 r based on choices during the fight
3 win checks will allow u to beat him
all 4 result in a perfect win
i think the skill check may be lower or theirs another fight choice as i got good ending with 18 skill and 83 power
yeah i looked at the walkthrough again and there r 3 choices that give win points not just 2 so passing either stat check and getting all 3 choices right results in a perfect win sorry about the misinformation
Recently replayed the game a fourth time, and seems i'm only able to get 530 of power- (540) if I buy the monster pincer instead of the rock), I chose the horn instead of the eye, don't know if that does any difference.

I saw on Discord that someone got 574 in power but very little corruption, what choices give you that power?
for a no corruption route no cause u do have corruption
for a low corruption route yes that is very good
thank you
the best visual novel of recent times, always excited for each update, keep it up!
A quick question,are you planning to create a wiki or a section for character information?Thanks for reading
This is the wiki, it's been a few months since it was created, but it has a lot of information. in games you can see all the categorie
so what happened to start this arguement? does this game actually have cp? someone confirm and i will delete it bc im not tryna catch a case
idk the full story, but iirc (feel free to correct), joshdemon (a.k.a, daadad) claims weirdworld supports cp due to alleged cp pics in discord. Think this started after he was kicked out from the disc group? Been going on for almost a year now, and I gotta say, his persistence is at the apostle level itself lmao. Game doesn't have cp shit dw
ok thank you, but i think its really dumb too go this far for a dc group, in my opinion, and hes been doing this crap for a whole year?! if you're right then at this point he just wants attention
yeah kinda the opposite of cp
giant boobs
ive noticed lmao
No, the worst things in it are the morgue seen which is pretty hard to come by and the werewolf scene
lol came for the game, stayed for the war in the comments.
Yo wtf is going on here ? And where is the popcorn ?
i love the art style, the only thing i can say is that i think it would be nice if there were some characters with smaller boobs, (as someone who likes smaller boobs). it would also be nice if the prison girl who you changed gender comes back, and becomes a recurring character. but all in all, the art is amazing, and i would love to share this game with my friends if it wasn't a porn game
Does this game support Chinese translation?
It doesn't have one, but there are people who translate the game into many languages, of course, without permission from the creator, I'm sure a person from your country may have translated it.
Thank you for your reply
I hope there'll be at least one pregnancy route by the end of the game. I'm sure Bramon could create a fertility serum through a monster similar to the one that infects Angeline
Am I the only one who's obsessed with the apostles' designs? They're perfect background/profile wallpapers :)
I fucking love Superhuman. Fuck. Im redownloading it right now. Is there gonna be an Android version soon?
is the scenes animated???
Not fully, they are a mix of still images moved back and forth to look like movement though
thx for answering the question
does anyone know who made this game i want to ask he or her something
he streams every Saturday on twitch. Weirdworld777
BRO! what the fuck?! Spoilers my guy! i JUST came to download the next update! Have some courtesy!
i would like to apologize i wasn't thinking kinda irritated. I have deleted my post.
Thank you. whenever I post something that'll have spoilers i give a warning and do this
So it gets put behind the View Rest button.
Thank you for the tip i will keep that in mind
you suck dude
Just remember that Shopkeeper asked for water in exchange for the rings
Yooooo weirdworld this one was fire, I just loved everything specially the mc moments with his mom, their so wholesome, but bro that cliffhanger was CRIMINAL, I've been waiting to get that faggot too, hope anxiously the next update
Fr same his ass is annoying
DAMN BRO, those monsters looks better than girls
The itch.io app doesn't seem to unpack it right away, just asking in chase this is something special. I heard that the app can be problematic.
I still have to play 0.97 and 0.98, but i know that you all won't fail me! Thank you Weirdworld for this amazing game.
loved the new update! THIRSTY FOR MORE!!
One word : GREAT
New update 2 minutes ago, been waiting for this for so long
Update dropping friday?