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is that a dark souls image I see?

(1 edit) (+4)

Yo Cole is beating my ass, please help, I'm stuck getting killed. (Managed to stomp him, thanks)

(2 edits) (+3)

I don't know how I won, I guess I just did it how I would if it were me. Wish I could help, but I have zero clue how I succeeded. I suggest staying focused, and hiding. Choosing human, the safety of your friends (don't remember exact phrasing), and evolution should help.

Edit: If you are having trouble still, try qsave and qload, if you die you can always go back.

Also if you don't have 500 power, you probably won't win. I think I had 495 or 498, and the cutscenes just poked my power up to 500 when I wasn't looking. After the current progress available, you should have 512 or so (no spoilers).


power > 500, choosing fast and risky and skill > 40 were the requrments for best end if I remember well. Other choices ether increased specific stats or straight up went to dead end… or did nothing.


I don't remember how but there's a guide in the discord channel check the spoilers section it's pinned there


thanks, managed to beat him


Update soon yes???? YES??


Dawg I'm checking this shit every and still nothing I'm starting tweaking


For fucking real, shit got me excited everyday

(1 edit) (+1)

On god y'all I'm checkin this page constantly

(2 edits)

What's taking so long?

WeirdWorld: The LAAAAG.


"Thanks for play-" AAAAAAAAAAH!

You had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


this is honestly such an insanely unique game with a fantastic story, the art work and visuals can be... detracting... but its absolutely worth every second

definitely looking forward to the 1.0 version because it seems like the creator plans a graphical overhaul or something which could potentially make this a 10/10


More like 11/10, as the graphics are already great. They are different sure, but I figure that's part of the charm of this VN. I would appreciate certain graphic errors to be fixed, like rotating and character art changing mid-scene. Someone who is missing an arm is suddenly missing the wrong arm, or it isn't missing at all until the next scene.


Exist a way for becoming permanently a cheerleader and stay woman forever?






Wish denied πŸ˜…. Would be cool to have a little more fun with the female side though.


In the past, Weird World considered the idea, but at the time he didn't have the time and motivation (money) to draw the two versions, so he simply abandoned the idea and continued the game with only the male mc


I've been curious what others decided for the MC's hero name. I went with Atramentous! (It means black like ink or inky).


I dont think mine is to clever but i went with Void.

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i either go with rimuru or trihexia (both basically translate to 666) fitting due to both the fact that animals r often called beasts with animals being a large chunk of mc's powers and the dark nature of mc's power


Also bringing up That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Rimuru is 100% a shapeshifter that got his powers from animals and other monsters. A fitting name.

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i sometimes forget the extent of his shapeshifting on account of he really only uses his base slime form and the human form he got from shizu


Nihilus, like Darth Nihilus from KotoR 2


For my 'good' hero, I named him paragon due to him being the perfect hybrid of the 3rd and 4th (also bc he has no corruption, living up to his 'hero' status). I also went with Nova Luna purely because of his connection to the moon.


So, I haven't played this game in about a year, but back then, I just decided to give my character the name "Dante Lockwood" and his hero name was "Eldritch Horror".


Welcome back. I remember seeing you around.


Thanks, I was scrolling through my gmail and saw the notifications and was like "I forgot about these games, let's see how far they've gotten" and then here I am. But the original reason why I stopped playing these types of games is because they're fuelling an addiction I've had since I was 9 and I'm trying to clear my mind, although I'm failing at it everyday. Also I live with my parents, I don't want that one day my mother gets a day off, figures out my password and goes on my laptop while I'm at work. There was a point in time when I was leaving to go somewhere and my mother asked me to use my laptop.........I had to delete games like these when she asked.


That would be awkward lol. Also It's good that you are trying to beat an addiction and don't beat yourself up when you fail, you can always try again. I know you didn't ask but my advice would be not trying to quit everything at once, but slowly quit things one by one. Hey though I'm no therapist though so you can decide to take it or leave it.


I am a huge reader that got roped into anime, manga, and vns. If that is the addiction mentioned, there is no saving me.

Really though, I understand Azekel and both appreciate RozuW and agree.


"Eldritch" is putting it lightly. 

(1 edit) (+3)

I went with "Superhuman". 

Good aligned MC full morality points and managed to get his power pretty high and his public reputation basically maxed out.

He's Superhuman not because of his powers, but because of his big heart.


As cute as that is, you get shot by the government I'm not coming to your aid. I balanced everyone except Ella, who I'd drop everything for at moment's notice. No one hates me, and I've maxed every relationship.


I chose Aegis personally 


I chose Dark Knight


Batman, really? πŸ˜„


I went with Omen.


I chose Tèhnkar. It mean nothing, but I love to put letters togethers for creating a name that sound good ^^


I went with Chimera because mc used an amalgamation of different animal attributes inorder to make his armor and weapons. However later in the story chimera's appears as an enemy so f me and bye bye first play through.


Since I first played the game, I've always used the same name. And that's the name of Prototype. because of the obvious coincidences it has with the game of the same name. Plus it serves both sides. whether if you're a good guy, or a bad guy.

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I went with Venom Because I thought it was a no brainer


personally, i liked the name BlackGold for no particular reaso


Hero name: Shadow (from anime ref), btw Emily named her dog Shadow which make it awkward :(

Villain name: not decided yet, probably Nizhalgal : A shadow, similar to the person


I chose the name Specter


I went with the n-word and it made some pretty funny moments


I went with The Shade, before I understood how that would be written throughout the story. The idea was to be called "The Shade," and not "So, the The Shade will be joining us tonight." Really flubbed that one. πŸ˜‚

Chimera :'D

(3 edits) (+3)

Does anyone know if there is or will be a punishment for those who choose the harem route, if the author plans to put punishment for this route (by harem I mean dating all the girls, without exception)


Alice will probably kill you. πŸ˜‚

(1 edit) (+8)

Man i have to tell you this is perfect! Perfect! Everithing to the last  detail


Goated reference


How tf is the mc's hero form almost exactly what my imagination made up as a kid?


I don't give a fuck what they are doing on discord, I'm only interested in the game.


fuck is all the controversy in the discord abt cuh 😭 can't have shi on the internet 
(note btw: i ain't in the fuckin discord)

(2 edits) (+13)

I don't think I can play any other VN after playing superhuman.

The art, the music, the plot, the world, heck even the characters often. Everything is just way too good. 

That's why I recommend you avoid this game because if you like the idea of being able to play the embodiment of an edgy anime protagonist sharpened into a story that doesn't shy from actual moral questions about any of the shit you do (even the lewd stuff)...

You'll never enjoy any other VN game ever again.

I've always been one to try to limit my expectations and be reasonable, but seriously.

One can only hope WeirdWorld have mercy on us and let us enjoy more games like these, as the conclusion draws near.


(1 edit) (+1)

Hate to tell you, but I have a list currently at seven games that this applies to in varying amounts. When this game hits 1.0, I'll be placing it in 2nd on that list. I'd share it, but I feel bad supporting other games in the comments of this one.

(1 edit) (-22)

you are a sick peace of shit! may Lucifer him self tear you apart peace by peace, for eternity 


Is this about the comic sans?

(1 edit) (+2)

yo broooo, i cant breathe that was too funny


where was that at?


what did weirdworld do to you, burn down your crops and deliver plague into your bread πŸ’€


ruin a game that had potential with sick shit...calling player names cause i saved the girl from being raped? i would save her every time...cant stand sick fucks, games like this is why platforms are banning adult games..and a dog? you a sick peace of shit go back to mental hospital


what the hell are you talking about bro, Also, what abt a dog? That shadow post? I objected to that πŸ’€


so there is nothing like that? hmm i may be in the wrong here then been a while sorry if i was wrong...seems i miss understood something...well if the dev is reading this sorry 


Yeah You definitely misunderstood, there's no zoophilia in the game


i be counting the days for a new upd ngl


Usually happens every 65-90 days


tragic how we gotta wait so long 😭


People need to learn some patience.


bruh I been waiting from the 0.7 days I'm locked in
I js really like the game lmao


I think I was here since around 0.27 or somewhere around there


It's not unkind impatience, quite the opposite really as the fanbase grows larger all the time.


I'm glad I started waiting on the game when it relatively has been a while.


I've never been this excited about action scenes in any VN game other than Superhuman. Great game!




Come on guys, sex later! I wanna beat this guy's face in!


Great fucking game. The art, the plot and the characters are amazing. Even better than that are the soundtracks which are fire!

(1 edit) (+10)

One of the best I've tried of this type of games.

I must say that the music during the fights is very well selected.



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Once you're done with it no other Virtual Novel game feels fun anymore.


Does elijah remind anyone else of a certain Jojo?


Best visual novel i played so far and the most captiving plot since i played steins gate

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