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Came back to the comments after a while, who's the dumbass claiming the game was abbandoned or something? Ver 0.95 took roughly 4 months to make and had over a thousand CGs. It's litteraly been 74 days since the last update, that's a little over two months. He constantly provides content and updates on patreon to let people know where hes at with the update and even provides art and info. The game is in steady development as it aways has been and WeirdWorld has never stopped working on it, so yall stop your bitching when the quality has only kept imrpoving and improving.


He was the same dude making a huge fuss because he got himself kicked from the discord. Pretty sure he got remove but I could be wrong.


Was that the dude being openly transphobic a few months back? I left the Discord because of that guy, and the fact that the rules said to expect being offended had me expecting them to let him stay.

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I'm giving everyone like you an early warning that I'm reporting any false information y'all post plus I've seen y'all post a lot of it

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and no no one was being homophobic in the discord


the next update should come out before the end of the month


Wishful Thinkin or Reliable source?


weirdworld (the creator) said so himself

you should go check out his patreon since it takes him some time to update the itch page

if you want the update as soon as it releases then you can pay only five dollars a month (or less if you pay annualy) to recieve access to the update a week earlier and recieve acess to devlogs which are updates from ww about the next update and his current life as well as access to preview posts of new characters and monsters

patreon link


gotta say, i second what a lot of people in the comments here have said, i came for the porn but stayed for the story. this game has such an amazing story that i just can't wait for whenever a new update is released. i will be getting paid from next month on and weirdworlds patreon is definitely one of my planned expenses (had to make an account just to tell people how good this game is)


i really don't care how long it takes for an update im just after the great story's and fight scenes this game holds. and its all thanks to the developer/s of WeirdWorld. They are the ones who make this game a great game with a great story. and i cannot wait for the next piece id love to see what the next update holds  especially the story it will bring to life.


I've played superhuman back when it was on android, So my question to you Weird World why remove the game from android...!!??


Actually, those are mods that the community makes. As far as I know, Weirdworld only develops the game for PC.


Nah , I know for a fact cause I played superhuman on Android when I stumbled upon it a couple years back.....And it was made by Weird World And it had no mods whatsoeve

(1 edit) (+5)

prety sure it was a beta version so idk we will have to see what they say


Weird World plz bring the game back to android.....  Why are forgetting about us android user, Do not want us to enjoy your game ??? 

Im on android i reccomend using joiplay. You need to download the win version and extract it using something like z archiver. It might have a few issues as its not made for android just dont use skip for long sections without giving it a few seconds or it may have some issues my phone is horrible so yours can prolly work with it well.


thanks weirdworld for the great game, came for the sex and stayed for the story and fighting, out of all the games I've played, this is surprisingly the game I'm most interested in story wise


im with you here KingWoo i did the same thing you did came for sex but was dragged into the story and fight scenes IMO the fighting was the best and so was the story sex probably became the 3rd important piece for me.


(The fallowing is just my opinion PLS don't be rude if you disagree) Look I am not on the discord or any other social media thing so I don't know all the facts I just know that the comment section is being overrun by toxicity and that's not okay. If someone has beef with someone else take your arguments some ware else. It is completely normal for a game to have hiccups and delays in game development. I just want everyone to stop being so damn toxic and let the developer take however long they need. We should just feel blessed that the game is free, there aren't many VN's this good that are free.

P.S Thank you Weirdworld for your epic game and take as much time as you need.

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see the jist I get from the convo in the comments is that Orion has never developed a game and his only response was to tell josh to kill himself and get out of his mother's basement but Orion has also never developed a game. so one question shouldn't you kill yourself too? plus by your logic you're useless too and a waste of space.


Dunno but I'm just tired of seeing this person come in here and make baseless accusations with no evidence, its getting old at this point.

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see one thing the people who are threatening and insulting him actually showed evidence and it was an article of girls who were under 18 showing nudes to random guys on the Internet and some of the people in the images that were shown were saying they would fuck the girls and the guys were and still are adults. so no it's not basles people just assume when a game creator gets accused that he's supporting pedophiles that the guy accusing him is in the wrong even when there's been evidence and with the images the people sent there's proof that he's supporting those types of trash.


Hola soy de ARGENTINA y pues solo queria decirles que si vam a sacar una nueva versión es solo para saber es que el juego es hermoso numca en mi vida supe de algo tan hermoso los personajes la historia y yo pagaría un millón de pesos o 5 millones pero es que soy muy pobre y pues se que es de seguro es bastante difícil de sacar otra versión del juego pero al menos podrían decirme si va salir otra versión es que la verdad no puedo aguantar más me dejaron con una intriga super grande que lo juro si no sale otra versión me sacaré la vida😖 y les mando saludos y si lo se no se escribir pero no importa viva superhuman

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dude don't kill yourself for a creator who can't even afford dinner without leaching off others plus the update is nearing a year since the last one and there's still no news about when it's gonna come out so I doubt it will.

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to futa love since the people on here are pussies

dude they have a crap ton of people working on it and people paying thousands for it and multiple people have given them genius ideas and I've seen 10 times bigger games develop faster than this with only one person working on it with way less money and experience.

and I'ma stop being an asshole when little bitches like you stop starting shit with me cause you are emo little boys who are angry at the world for not paying attention to you.


Do us all a favour and just shut up, you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

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and it's funny how your saying that to him when you don't know either plus most of the convos is deleted because people kept reporting shit.

(2 edits) (+9)(-3)

If you think you'll do it better, then why haven't you developed your own game?

Go on, do it, I dare you.

I'm pretty sure you won't do it because you're just a piece of shit that only talks and talks.

You're just all bark and no bite.

Go back to your parents basement with your pillow girlfriend and cry every single day, knowing that no one loves you, not even your parents that are asking to themselves why they didn't aborted you.

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oh and I'm reporting most of your shit plus it's spam and just plain false information and Im not gonna deal with toxic people like you.

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and at least make your own game before telling random people online to make their own game and projecting that your in your mom's basement.


For personal reasons, i'm not able to provide financial support. May i ask when the v0.97 will be supposedly released? Thank You


it should be released around the end of the month

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the only thing good about this shit is the game and they abandoned it and weren't taking the advice of their fans.


What the hell u talking about ?

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it's been nearly a month since the last update maybe more. I don't pay attention to time that much.


First things first that is that is a normal thing in game development, second they are still working on it. Check there PatreonInstagramTwitterDiscordReddit before you go talking shit.

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he wasn't talking shit he was stating facts. and no it's not normal for games to lie about when an update is gonna come out.


public release roughly every 2 months

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it's been more than 2 months.

(1 edit) (+10)(-1)

Learn how to write, and when you manage to do that, maybe your parents will start to pay attention to you

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and maybe take your own advice dumbass plus you don't even know how to put a period at the end of your sentence when people learn that shit in second grade.


Stop being a fucking asshole and maybe others will listen to you.

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Oh no! I didn't put a period at the end of the sentence! The world will tear apart and humanity will perish!

Go and fuck yourself dude, do something useful with your pathetic, miserable and insignificant life, if you manage to do that, maybe, and just MAYBE, your parents won't be feeling ashamed of giving birth to a pathetic piece of garbage like you.

I really feel pity for your parents, I'm pretty sure that they didn't aborted you because of guilt, or maybe, they're just as retarded like you.


You are the type of person that thrives on causing mayhem and controversy. If you don't like something, ignore it. You throwing insults at others shows that you have the mentality of a 3rd grader or even less. You appear to have no maturity or even respect. You are pathetically inept at original thought because you regurgitate the same tripe multiple times.  (Yes , I am insulting you and I know it). You must have a mother fixation because that is all you respond with. Abortion this, parents that. Orion, you have the grammar skills of a 5th grader. The conversation skills of a 3rd grader, the patience of of an infant and to beat it all, the inability to actually view someone as a equal much less a superior intellect. You self esteem must be really low to resort to getting upset over words that hurt your fellers. I am not telling you or anyone else to go and kill themselves or anything like that, because that would be childish. I would rather be face to face with someone and thrust the knife just under the ribs and twist several times back and forth. You get what I am saying. And BTW I will probably forget you exist 10 seconds after I send this. 


Another fake account of Josh or one of "his friends"? Your account doesn't even have an historial, so stop hiding behind fake accounts dude.

(1 edit) (+12)

2 losers below this comment and above it (God help us)


i thought you were trolling... you were not.

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so since no one is saying it ima say it. there's child porn in the discord.


Wtf? You again? Are you still mad because you got banned from the discord server because no one agreed with you?

Get the fuck out of here you motherfucker gangbang cocksucker hypocrite pedophile lolicon human disgrace piece of shit that lacks of parental love.

exist a way for become a chearleader?

you gotta talk to Darryl

(1 edit) (+7)

bro im dirt poor and i cant really send money but just know this guy makes the best games to ever exist i hope you make lots of money also the next update gonna be good this one left me on a cliffhange


i have 3 playthroughs already planned my 1st is my test file my 2nd is learning from mistakes i made in my 1st and my 3rd is just gonna be me being a murder hobo

how do i get alice scenes i can only manage to unlock the dream and  groping on  the beach scene


join the discord there is a walkthrough pinned in the spoiler channel

every time i try to launch the game it stays stuck on running for the first time. how do i get the game to launch?

(1 edit)

been here since 0.85

Been here since roughly around o.43 i think just a little before that


Truly one of the best games I ever played


Probably the first porn game I'm actually interested in the plot lol



Fr it just keeps getting better and better

(1 edit) (+2)

When will you release it for Android?

For now it can be played on joiplay i dont have a good phone and it runs perfectly well so you can probably run it just remember to use the windows version or it wont work.


I'm not normally a fan of porn games but goddamn this story is so fucking compelling. Can't wait to see whats next!

Ngl when I first downloaded this game, I was just looking for another XXX game, but when I got into it, I legit forgot that it was an XXX game and the sex scenes surprised me. Also I don't really like to say the word "Porn" because I got into a lot of trouble with it in my late childhood and adolescence.


Can't tell you how much I love and appreciate your craft!! Keep up the good work and stay healthy!


Nah bro you should make a  book


Some comics about the lore could help

I chose the eye what are the other shopkepper items for? and yes i know what the eye is for. On a different note i love every part about the game the story alone is worth playing the game for im mostly sure all sexual content is optional so if you dont want it you dont need it used to have some issues loding but they were fixed in the time i was gone the art is incredible the charecters are all great and their storys well they do their job well i nearly had a heart attack with michal.

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just saw the awakening of michals abilities i bloody love the fucker every part about him his story his goals his motivations his charecter all crafted masterfully while he is one of if not the best charecter in my opinion the others are fairly behind but only because of the fact I love someone's finally breaking the trope of humans being unable to do anything even if he is technically no longer human the parts of him that I admired are still there he knows what he wants even if it is as simple as power. He's just crafted beautifully play through the game and you'll be able to understand I cannot recommend this game enough this is just one of my favorite characters despite no longer being what I admire him at first for he's kept most of the traits he didn't only rely on his ability his mindset wasn't I need to unlock it or else I will die kind of mindset he did want to figure out his ability but he didn't make that his only goal he improved despite the fact he didn't know what his ability was his story is character it's all just crafted masterfully. I can't really explain it the best in words despite how much praise I give him really try the game it's incredible. Sorry if I rambled on a bit or sounded repetitive.

(1 edit)

Whats the eye for, it was useless back then so I never took it after.

You encounter someone later they give you a choice of one of 5 things i think the eye lets you get 2

Oh that's cool Thank you!

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it's in the cave on the left when you invade sin.


Just finished the .96 update. Tumbs up, very nice update and very nice game in general. I'm really invested now, came for the "plot", stayed tor the plot.

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I'm just staying on here to expose liers like itzsyther

Does anyone know where the walkthrough pdf is in the file?


In the discord channel ... Open the spoilers section and choose the pinned massages there .

There's a discord channel!?


Yeah man the link is in the same page but maybe you missed it ... anyway here it's

I did! Thank you!


So does anyone remember what does H.E.R.O and S.I.N stand for 


Human Evolution Research Organization and Superhuman Independence Nation respectively.


10 out of 10


Since reviews is hidden to public I'll leave a comment here.

I am fairly new to lewd games so in my naivety I thought this game would just be a few minutes of quick fun.

Well many days later I just finished the latest release. I've been playing many RPGs over the years and Superhuman is one of my absolute favorites. Thank you!


How do you get a lot of money in the game.I remember there was a way to get a fuck ton of money from Tiffany but I forgot how to.


before you infiltrate hero you can ask her for money

Never got brought up in my second playthroug I will see where it went wrong.


You have to choose the "Feels like I'm doing all the heavy lifting" option when it's brought up to then be led to the "money" option.

Does anyone know how to fix my problem with the game, please anybody (i'm play the game with joiplay)

What is the problem

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its a problem with either the shift0 menu or the code

(1 edit)

does anyone know  how killing jack that mind controlling super human will affect the game.

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it affects the dialog between certain characters and some characters thank you for killing him while some run away from you and you get more power if you do.

Does he appear again if you let him live 

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yes like 2 or 3 times I think. I haven't done all the routes tho so idk exactly how much.

did he join HERO



I know I did not do it and I've seen enough of him in convo and interacting with people to think I was right. Also i used his help with something later something that im sure anyone would want to happen don't know if i could have done it alone. (trying not to spoil tooooo much but yea I think sparing him was the right choice)

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Killing Jack as of right now doesent really change the story beyond how 2 characters treat you, a few dialogue lines, your corruption level, and your power stat

Killing or sparing jack doesent really boil down to right or wrong but what route your trying to go, and how much your willing to potentially deal with down the road if you spare him, hes the strongest known mind controller besides maybe melody(given the fact that Jack is the spawn of an apostle i would venture to say he is definitely stronger or will be in the future), H.E.R.O. could become a real thorn in your side later on if they have jack at their disposal, so it really just depends on what route your going through and whether or not you want to break away from hero in the future If WeirdWorld chooses to diverge the story like that, personally i have two saves one where i killed him and one where i didn't because i feel like it will play a big part in future updates

Does anyone have a gallery scene Guide? I'm missing 1 scene with Ella, and 5 Wierd ones and can't for the life of me figure out what they are and how to get them. I've played this game a LOT rewinding and redoing almost every choice. I've never found these pathways.

idk abt a gallery guide, but I can help you unlock the scenes if you can tell me which scenes specifically you're missing (:

Well I know I'm missing the first ella scene somehow.


Ella: You'll need to kill the thugs and then go for power when fighting Michael. Train up and then attempt to fight Ella when you go in her apartment. 

Weird: I'll list out the general needs--

-Have 2 different saves for futa and regular girl and prioritize the deryl route before the Kenny Party (make sure to go as the girl) Continue on from there until second scene w/ Tess in the showers.

-Have 3 different saves for Liz routes (Love, White-knight Cuck, and FULL cuck) The difference between the last 2 is whether you check up on Liz while you're getting pleasured by the secretary. Play up to the bonfire party for those two saves

I'll assume your missing weird scenes are centered around these, as it also took me a while to unlock them. Let me know if you need any more help :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hmm yeah that might be how I'm missing it I didn't even know you could go to the party as a girl. I didn't the Ntr route and posted about it here so others wouldn't have to.

I can’t with NTR route, it’s get me so f’n pissed!! Makes me sick to the stomach, probably lose my mind in rage if it were to happen to me. 

(6 edits)

Spoilers ahead:





Wait... so at what point did the MC decide to reveal the full extent of his powers regarding reading minds and stuff to H.E.R.O? Like, even during his mind reading evaluation he was hiding it, but now he seems to be flaunting it everywhere after the big battle and everyone seems to know about it. Ella straight up kills you if you reveal you can do that to her saying that "you were perfect all along." Or something like that. I don't remember seeing any point where he chose to reveal that ability to anyone but Deryl. I noticed him doing it for the first time in Ella's apartment with Christie and Emily, but he mightve done it a couple times before that. Just seems odd that he's so public about his most dangerous power all of a sudden, reading memories and minds. Because as far as they knew before, he could just touch animals and that allowed him to transform into them, not read their memories.


He talks about his mind reading with Xanthe

I thought he just told him he could touch animals and feel what it's like to be them to copy their triats? But if so then, Yeah, that's weird, he was keeping it a total secret up until that point and now suddenly everyone is just okay with the fact that he could touch any one of them and read their memories. 

(1 edit) (+2)

It's been a long time since I've played a VN that felt like a shounen battle manga or superhero comic AND was fun, spooky, and interesting on its own terms. This one obviously has a lot of work put into it, and I appreciate that a lot!

And so it's earned the highest praise I can give a erotic game:

"It'd still be good without the erotic stuff."

Please keep refining and working on this one. The bad ends have actually kept me guessing, even if some decisions are  actually completely innocuous.


Ikr! The story got me REALLY hooked and I really love the fight scenes. Do you have any recommendations that is similar to Superhuman in terms of quality or genre?


Afraid not - at least nothing comes to mind right away in Ren'Py.


Gran juego la verdad. Yo buscaba un juego para perder el tiempo nomas pero cuando jugué este juego sentí algo xd y lo seguí jugando y jugando y ahora no puedo dejar de jugarlo es que la historia es muy buena eso lo vuelve el mejor de todos.


Question. Is Amber a LI or is it just Liz?


She is

Currently looking for advice on beating falravn without help

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