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I wonder if I can make the -MC- worship a monster god like Valravn does. That would go well with my corruption route.


Nah hes gotta become the god


So now we can create objects independent from our physical bodies...

This makes me think of Jake's powers and how it was hinted that he's still buried inside us somewhere. Maybe in future we could use this power to create an autonomous mind-controlling parasite which can burrow into a monster's mind. A brain worm? Cordyceps fungus? The possibilities are astounding.

Even if you didn't kill Jake, this could also be a reason to bring him back, since both Ella and Ella Doll demonstrate that related Superhumans can teach each other abilities.


BRUH! Spoilers! cmon man!


Bro!! Let people catch up


Damn, that would be a fucking power op! imagine making everyone your brainless bitch?


I dont know how to dm the creator thus im putting this here. So i found this person was algo publishing the game, just thought i´d let u know.


I posted a warning in the comments on that page. 


apparently it worked cause the fake has been removed 


Hopefully they didn't trick too many people.


im more worried about the purpose behind the fake was it just to plagiarize wierd's work or was it some kind of malware


That was my concern as well. 


was going to open Itch to see bout an update and got it thanks weird world even if the game is 2D I still love it due to the story

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Question, if I download this version would it screw my saves? I just download the other version before it had updated which makes me mad, but it's nobody fault, and I was wondering.

(1 edit) (+1)

no however if u have a desktop shortcut made u will need to delete the shortcut and make a new one cause for whatever reason the shortcuts dont update with the game

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Yeah, I have only had a pc should I just play the version I have? 


u can update with no problems i have updated 3 times since i started playing and dont lose progress


ok, I have a couple of things to say and ask about this game you don't have to answer any questions but it would be appreciated and if the game creator doesn't comment can a player comment and help me with my suspicions?

1. is the mom a monster or monster god or is she the monster that turned the MC into a superhuman cause when he tried to read the memories of the shapeshifting monster it might have had some of the mother's memories

2. why the cliffhanger i may or may not have thrown something at the wall when I saw that all for the update and now there is a massive hole in my wall i have no problems with the game and understand wherever you leave the game off it'll make it look like a cliffhanger 

3. will you drop this game when it hits 1.0 because a while back I saw in the comments someone said that 1.0 will be the end of this game also plz don't drop this game and if you do I beg of you to make another one this game is my favorite and the plot is just so good

4. when the MC was talking to the monster dog in the recent update the dog said 'Mother bless you heir' I just thought this might be weird and maybe she is a god and that would explain why it said Mother bless you

this is about all I can think of sorry for this being so long


as far as the cliffhanger goes this is like the 3rd one that i ran into (first was before the battle of diamonds) it is simply cause the creator has not finished the story and is releasing in segments so we have something while we wait for the full story and i think the mc's mom was a superhuman cause in 1 of the memory echoes she was responding to what someone from another car was saying indicating she had a unnatural level of hearing also if the mc has high corruption they will see multiple of the apostles (the monster gods) in their dreams yet the eye the mc talks to dismisses the apostles like they were nothing to it so i dont know what the mc actually is or what they r truly capable of


I never new this was in the game ima go back and read the walkthrough and get them to this part thanks for telling me


Man, are you mentally well? The game has been receiving updates for years, and every update leaves it at a cliffhanger, as it should be. It's not WW's fault you decided to make a hole in your wall after he finished yet another masterpiece update? 

(2 edits) (+1)

I never blamed them for the cliffhanger and said wherever you leave it off it seems like a cliffhanger I'm just saying there is now a hole in my wall and I'm hoping the next update has some more to do with the mother also if you don't got anything nice to say don't say it from the very beginning of my post it was only to satisfy my curiosity so don't be rude for something I'm just wondering about


That poor wall.




Hey type your fav antagonist below (Do not read if you are not uptodate)


Personaly it was Valravan the raven knight


I think Jake was my favorite.


mine was monster deryl 


Deryl is in my top 3


The update was good but there was more fight left, what's the point of having so much power if I can't massacre anyone?


it updated


It's almost time to consume everyone. I hope the corruption route is good. I will have no mercy, I will eat everyone. If with that I can have more power, I want them to be at the top now.


A man of culture i see


I think it is the easiest route:

- more power

- better connection whith monster

- more freedom

Better. You truly are a man of culture


You're the reason there should be a Vore tag.


Dude some of y'all are really helpful. I'm trying to do a no corruption run, and after one of the more recent fights I would always get 5-6. I came here to read some comments, re did the a lot of the fight, and had zero. Thanks y'all!


because they fight against corruption. Corruption is power and if you waste food you may not reach the top. Humans Superhuman monsters are all foods that we have that use


If you want to go with no corruption run then you have to sleep with helmet on. If you sleep without you will always end up with corruption regardless of your other choices. 


if you still have any questions about the game you should head over to the discord where we have an official walkthrough endorsed by ww


How long until the public version comes out?


should come out on sunday 


Yessss i cant wait to see how the story unravels

bro how did you know??


so according to the walkthrough there r special scenes if your power is higher than 13 at the time of the casino game how do u get that much that early i seem to only manage to get to 10 by that point


Depends in your early game choices. You can train every chance you get and when you fight use power instead of skill, or you can kill people and eat them if you don't mind corruption.


Hey WeirdWorld, I have a Question about your Baby, Creation, Game, Superhuman.  I have tried it awhile back and it seemed cool.  But something seems odd to me.  You seem to give it a lot of room saying " How will you use this power? To seduce? To kill? Or do you simply want to live your life as a college freshman without worry? "  When I played it last like awhile ago.  It didn't seem at all like you could do any of that.  To be Honest it seems like forced game play.  Sure you can do what you like but lets say you wanted to ONLY be a college fresh men.  Your dedicated a game over or killed.  So it's train or die and sure a few things you can do on the side.  But if you miss training and get weak "yup, you die game over"  So has it changed or is it still like that?  An on a side note is it really " Beware optional NTR and Gender Bender. It's optional, but it's there."  Cause gotta say maybe a max of what 5 scene's is NTR or Gender Bender? "  It's like you just put the tag there so people didn't bitch when they seen it.  Unless you plan on adding more or making the MC able to full time female I would just remove that comment.  Cause it would be like saying " Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a God "


how do i start up the game


download from the link above then unzip the folder from there just open the application within labled superhuman

thank you


no problem hope u enjoy it as much as i do


well according to discord the subscriber version has updated recently so shouldnt be much longer till the free version does

Should be on itch in about a week.


Very cool game, it's a pity that updates are not released very often, but nevertheless everything is very cool!!!

I am one of the very first fans, who fell in love with this game and these arts.

You inspire me to create your projects))  Thank you for that)


So... no update yet? sad!


Should come out in a few more days (:


He said 5 days ago that the update would get postponed about a week, then it's another week since the patreon update until it hits

So give it a couple of weeks.


Did he say why this update was delayed? I checked Patreon, now but the warning is only for patrons, which sucks!

Now, a week late delayed, and another week of update in the hands of the patron, also another week for it to fall into the hands of the public, I expect this update to arrive in the middle/end of November.

It seems that this update is the last one of the year... anyway, thanks for the warning, I'll be back here at the end of November and beginning of December.


Sad :(
o well cant be helped


are you planning on putting your game on steam, because if you are then i'm sure as hell i'm going to put it in my wishlist

The Windows zip file is invalid, won't extract properly?


is there any purpose to the gift shadow gives the mc after finishing emily's event


If you reach the section in the library where you read about the monsters choose to read the tainted ones to get the related lore


I hope there will be more bailey stuff after you eat her, I really liked her,  I'm sad


how do i do spoiler text on this site cause there is something i wanna talk about without risking bringing up details not everyone knows


Well I think if you just put (spoiler) at the beginning most people who don't want to be spoiled would look away.

(1 edit) (+2)

oh? thanks


No entiendo porque tienen que ser tan malos dicen que ahorres para una computadora si acá en ARGENTINA literal no se puede ahorrar no es Estados Unidos aya podes literal encontrar un computadora bien nueva que solo tenía 2 aplicaciones y lo tiraron a la basura porque salió otra nueva xd sean humildes y que salga una versión para Android no sean forros


te ayudaria con eso tienes discord o algo


Will there ever be an Android version of this game? I loved this game on my old device and now I only have a phone (Laptop broke).


 I'm sorry to say save up for a laptop for pray for a android ver to come out.


Can always use joiplay

Joiplay? Do I need some Plugin for this Game or will base Joiplay work?

You need to get base joiplay and renpy plug-in for it to work both are found on the Playstore for andriod 


So any idea when new update comes out?


for patreons it will come out on about a week and a half and for none patreons you can find the public update free on patreon a week after the release

(4 edits) (+2)(-20)

im posting here cuz im currently broke and cant post on patreon. dont judge me with some of the things i suggest we are all freaks one way or another. add some scene's of the mc fucking emily's dog, and make it lengthy and not short and sweet like this next one im bringing up. we havnt seen nikki since the prison and wondering when she is coming back. i played[fapped to] both scene's of fucking him as a guy and girl and through my second playthrough i haven't seen her again and im missing her already. when jess and jared broke up and you go to phuuck him up, i wanted an option sexually to go futa on him and fuck him in the ass instead of just fucking as a girl and breaking his dick with her pussy. i wanted to at least to have the option to fuck him in the ass which would of been more humiliating. every time someone brought up anything about girlfriend this or that i always chose the harem route so is mia gonna be an option in the future perhaps or are you gonna make her and jake a thing later down the line. when fighting kenny in the frat house and devouring him i didnt like that potential mc had to be a bad ending. mc has devoured a lot of people yet never ends up the way he did when he ate kenny. i liked the idea of his seed turning those drones into slaves and do his bidding and was wondering if that could be brought back later down the line as an option as a way to make a type of army[sex slaves] of sorts. so far mc has creampied everyone he has had sex with yet no one is pregnant so can we see some pregnant scene's etc. preferably with the drones or monsters he has had sex with. a lot of the drones go after his seed to get pregnant but we never see anything happen after that or if any of them actually get seeded. i want clover to come back and at least be together with demi and have the occasional threesome with the mc. i rem when mc tried to put a tracker into one of the drones with tiffany and chased it down and then turned into a giant. would it be possible for that to happen again and have giant sex possibly =]. can we also add more futa scene's as well, early on we do a lot of futa but later on it dies down a lil. i love futa so what actually drew me to this game was the futa tag and this became the best game i ever played and i just want more futa scene's. maybe some futa on male or possibly with nikki or another femboy like [the former] nikki and possibly become a part of the harem. i think i could of made demi a boy or girl depending on my choices seeing as i saw demi as a guy in the images section in the files. but i didnt look further than that or bother trying to go back and turn demi into a guy to see if the sex scenes would be diff[which i want demi to stay a girl] so i would rather have a second femboy[not including demi] down the line and possibly be apart of the harem and have futa of male, male on futa etc. i spared danica to possbily be apart of the harem, will their be any sex scene's with her at all and if not can it be added otherwise hinting at making her a harem candidate would not make sense at all[and if their are sex scene's of her i havnt gotten to them yet seeing as first playthrough i killed her].im at the point where i got out of prison and raven is fucking jess atm so when i have more things i rem or want to be possibly a thing that could happen in the future ill post more suggestions.


brother take your schizophrenia medication and go find jesus


also for all the other scizophrenics/furries STOP TRYING TO FUCK THE DOG!!!!!


bruh we fuck worse things in the game. bestiality is hardly that messed up.


my brother in christ, if you think that fucking a humanoid monster is worse than fucking a DOG, then you are in desperate need of jesus


Honestly bro, if you can't see the problem with fucking monsters, I think you need to talk to Jesus a little too. I may not want scenes with a literal dog, but you really can't judge people for wanting fetishes in a porn game that they wouldn't irl.


but the problem with fucking monsters is mitigated by the fact that THEY LOOK LIKE WOMEN wanting to fuck a literal dog is crazy because that's just a creature, monster girls are different because of the GIRL part


so youre saying that if someone came in and suggested pedo shit you would do nothing!?!?!?

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so you're saying that if someone came in and suggested pedo shit you would do nothin? just repeating what someone else said.

(2 edits) (+7)

The... What...?

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some of your friends are into this so yeah.


My Brother in Christ WTF DID I JUST READ. 


Sanest schizophrenic furry yapper

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furries don't fuck dogs. zoophiles do.

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ItzSyther is also someone who post zoophile porn with the mc fucking a dog


Super humans are infertile. You can see that come up a few times.

Wait, really? But isn't Tiff's dad one?


also wtf is a drone bro, are you talking about monsters?
about the scene with kenny and the dead end, the reason we get corrupted and turn into a monster is because we consumed a monsterified superhuman (which he havent done before) and didnt do it right (in the dead end).
also for the pregnancy part you should continue playing the game to see further information


Honestly? I downloaded it and started playing expecting absolutely nothing, and i found a fucking gold mine, this game surprised me a lot, never expected this from a porn game xD
The story is really good, and the amount of content is nothing to laugh at too, the characters and the descriptions on the fights scenes, at some point i didn't even care for the porn anymore. Now that i did almost everything that i could (not going that NTR route, not now not never) i can't wait for the next update.

Michael is a fucking badass, just leaving it here.


W comment


Came back to the comments after a while, who's the dumbass claiming the game was abbandoned or something? Ver 0.95 took roughly 4 months to make and had over a thousand CGs. It's litteraly been 74 days since the last update, that's a little over two months. He constantly provides content and updates on patreon to let people know where hes at with the update and even provides art and info. The game is in steady development as it aways has been and WeirdWorld has never stopped working on it, so yall stop your bitching when the quality has only kept imrpoving and improving.


He was the same dude making a huge fuss because he got himself kicked from the discord. Pretty sure he got remove but I could be wrong.


Was that the dude being openly transphobic a few months back? I left the Discord because of that guy, and the fact that the rules said to expect being offended had me expecting them to let him stay.

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I'm giving everyone like you an early warning that I'm reporting any false information y'all post plus I've seen y'all post a lot of it

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and no no one was being homophobic in the discord


the next update should come out before the end of the month


Wishful Thinkin or Reliable source?


weirdworld (the creator) said so himself

you should go check out his patreon since it takes him some time to update the itch page

if you want the update as soon as it releases then you can pay only five dollars a month (or less if you pay annualy) to recieve access to the update a week earlier and recieve acess to devlogs which are updates from ww about the next update and his current life as well as access to preview posts of new characters and monsters

patreon link


gotta say, i second what a lot of people in the comments here have said, i came for the porn but stayed for the story. this game has such an amazing story that i just can't wait for whenever a new update is released. i will be getting paid from next month on and weirdworlds patreon is definitely one of my planned expenses (had to make an account just to tell people how good this game is)


i really don't care how long it takes for an update im just after the great story's and fight scenes this game holds. and its all thanks to the developer/s of WeirdWorld. They are the ones who make this game a great game with a great story. and i cannot wait for the next piece id love to see what the next update holds  especially the story it will bring to life.


I've played superhuman back when it was on android, So my question to you Weird World why remove the game from android...!!??


Actually, those are mods that the community makes. As far as I know, Weirdworld only develops the game for PC.


Nah , I know for a fact cause I played superhuman on Android when I stumbled upon it a couple years back.....And it was made by Weird World And it had no mods whatsoeve

(1 edit) (+5)

prety sure it was a beta version so idk we will have to see what they say


Weird World plz bring the game back to android.....  Why are forgetting about us android user, Do not want us to enjoy your game ??? 

Im on android i reccomend using joiplay. You need to download the win version and extract it using something like z archiver. It might have a few issues as its not made for android just dont use skip for long sections without giving it a few seconds or it may have some issues my phone is horrible so yours can prolly work with it well.


thanks weirdworld for the great game, came for the sex and stayed for the story and fighting, out of all the games I've played, this is surprisingly the game I'm most interested in story wise


im with you here KingWoo i did the same thing you did came for sex but was dragged into the story and fight scenes IMO the fighting was the best and so was the story sex probably became the 3rd important piece for me.


(The fallowing is just my opinion PLS don't be rude if you disagree) Look I am not on the discord or any other social media thing so I don't know all the facts I just know that the comment section is being overrun by toxicity and that's not okay. If someone has beef with someone else take your arguments some ware else. It is completely normal for a game to have hiccups and delays in game development. I just want everyone to stop being so damn toxic and let the developer take however long they need. We should just feel blessed that the game is free, there aren't many VN's this good that are free.

P.S Thank you Weirdworld for your epic game and take as much time as you need.

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see the jist I get from the convo in the comments is that Orion has never developed a game and his only response was to tell josh to kill himself and get out of his mother's basement but Orion has also never developed a game. so one question shouldn't you kill yourself too? plus by your logic you're useless too and a waste of space.


Dunno but I'm just tired of seeing this person come in here and make baseless accusations with no evidence, its getting old at this point.

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see one thing the people who are threatening and insulting him actually showed evidence and it was an article of girls who were under 18 showing nudes to random guys on the Internet and some of the people in the images that were shown were saying they would fuck the girls and the guys were and still are adults. so no it's not basles people just assume when a game creator gets accused that he's supporting pedophiles that the guy accusing him is in the wrong even when there's been evidence and with the images the people sent there's proof that he's supporting those types of trash.


Hola soy de ARGENTINA y pues solo queria decirles que si vam a sacar una nueva versión es solo para saber es que el juego es hermoso numca en mi vida supe de algo tan hermoso los personajes la historia y yo pagaría un millón de pesos o 5 millones pero es que soy muy pobre y pues se que es de seguro es bastante difícil de sacar otra versión del juego pero al menos podrían decirme si va salir otra versión es que la verdad no puedo aguantar más me dejaron con una intriga super grande que lo juro si no sale otra versión me sacaré la vida😖 y les mando saludos y si lo se no se escribir pero no importa viva superhuman

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dude don't kill yourself for a creator who can't even afford dinner without leaching off others plus the update is nearing a year since the last one and there's still no news about when it's gonna come out so I doubt it will.

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to futa love since the people on here are pussies

dude they have a crap ton of people working on it and people paying thousands for it and multiple people have given them genius ideas and I've seen 10 times bigger games develop faster than this with only one person working on it with way less money and experience.

and I'ma stop being an asshole when little bitches like you stop starting shit with me cause you are emo little boys who are angry at the world for not paying attention to you.


Do us all a favour and just shut up, you don’t even know what you’re talking about.

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and it's funny how your saying that to him when you don't know either plus most of the convos is deleted because people kept reporting shit.

(2 edits) (+9)(-3)

If you think you'll do it better, then why haven't you developed your own game?

Go on, do it, I dare you.

I'm pretty sure you won't do it because you're just a piece of shit that only talks and talks.

You're just all bark and no bite.

Go back to your parents basement with your pillow girlfriend and cry every single day, knowing that no one loves you, not even your parents that are asking to themselves why they didn't aborted you.

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oh and I'm reporting most of your shit plus it's spam and just plain false information and Im not gonna deal with toxic people like you.

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and at least make your own game before telling random people online to make their own game and projecting that your in your mom's basement.


For personal reasons, i'm not able to provide financial support. May i ask when the v0.97 will be supposedly released? Thank You


it should be released around the end of the month

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