how much has changed? i havent played in like.... a year, end of the story the last time i played was when "that guy" turned into a monster and "that girl" was gonna launch some kind of attack against "that place"
Sadly nope. I still think she might be a possible romance and maybe even have her own ending where you end up with her and what you did to Jake its 100% gonna have consequences with her, but not yet. I guess we’ll see her when we return to the normal world hopefully in the next update. But i also thought we were leaving in this one, so maybe not. (i hope we can stop taking L’s after that massive last one)
Mia will obviously be part of the mc's harem at some point in the story, she and the other girls have relationship points. I recommend leaving Jake alive, surely it is the best option for a future romance with her. Besides, it will be beautiful to see how we make NTR to the idiot Jake.
Surely Weirdworld is waiting for the right moment to give a proper development to both mia and its route.
I've almost completed the entire gallery, just missing a couple of the weird scenes.
The eighth weird scene that looks like it's Briana, the seventh scene on page 2 of weird, and the last one that looks like another Liderc scene. Any get those ones?
Spoilers click here The first you mentioned can be accessed by buying the BIG dildo from the shopkeeper on the starting part of the game and choosing to masturbate with it, you shapeshift into Brianna.
Second one i haven’t gotten to it myself but from what i read from the walkthrough if you have low relation with Jake during the prison arc you end up escaping in a different way which is where you can encounter that scene, its a corpse in the prison morgue. So basically be an asshole to Jake at every opportunity you get to get access to this one.
Third one is dependent on what you picked for Demi, if you chose to see Demi as a boy that monster also presents itself as one
Dude, I know that game update was long ago, but put that in spolers tag pls, or at least warn of spoilers so new ppl dont get spoiled. That being said, I am with you. he is a great character, but I am just sure something will happen and this is the same cliffhanger type shit that happened in Talos’s lab(that one was gutwrenching).
Honestly this game is so much more than I expected, simply put it's a masterpiece and if the creator see's this than thank you for making this game and I can't wait for more of it! Have a good day and if you ever wanna chat I am down.
anyone knows the difference between the compressed version and the uncompressed version? besides the uncompressed version being really fucking huge. is it a performance matter or?
The new Liz and Deryl scene happens during Liz NTR route after the gangbang and MC killing them scene, right? or when that happens if you want the Liz x Deryl scene you gotta choose it with an option? (just curious) like, when you start Liz NTR route it goes all the way to Deryl? or it stops when MC kills guys and you need to choose again if you want to continue NTR route? Also, isn't Deryl model during that scene just a recolor of MC? (thats what I read at F95zone) I don't like NTR but I want 100% so yeah... good thing its that the NTR its optional and there are just a very few scenes.
Hi, I've downloaded the newest update and all my saves are gone. The gallery is still up to date so I've not lost everything. Is there a way to get my saves back? Edit-fixed it by closing and reloading the game. Possible bug fix in the future to be thought about.
I hope you have a lot more of ideas, can't get enough of that ^^ I am serious, a good story and good music implementation is more important than fancy graphics,better graphics , in some cases, just would enhance the experience.( also I have to say I like your unique style, I think it is a good choice for that kind of story).
This is a hell of a game. Really enjoyed the powers as well as the genderbending and Futa content. A shame so much of it only applies to the cheerleader route. Though I understand how hard expanding it beyond specific routes would be.
I hope you don't end the game too abruptly. Still feels like we have a ways to go at the current end point. Like I would expect 2 acts minimum myself given how much seems to be left to do. Though perhaps its less than what I am aware of given I don't know whats on your mind.
Also the MC sure gets WIDE sometimes lol. Basic looks like a normal human but then sometimes he's a square.
cant give you an answer with 100% certainty cuz the game isnt done yet but:
Ella. she is very clearly THE main girl
mucho texto
after her i think the other girls go in this order (IMO):
Alice -> Emily -> Liz -> Amber
Alice because she is very involved in the plot from the start and becomes our first big ally and also the first (aside from Ella) of the girls to become a superhuman.
Emily: i might be wrong about her importance cuz she hasnt done much yet but with the foreshadowing about her being special and her being the first person you meet when you start the game makes me think i might be right.
then Liz and Amber, Liz is more likely but MC is childhood friend with both of them and i just dont see it being them (neither individually nor poly with the two).
also, the harem route i think has exactly 0 chance that its “canon”. barely gets acknowledged, but i guess we’ll see
edit:i edited this comment to put it on a dropdown thingy cuz i keep posting walls of text
With all the content abilities Who would win in a fight I think it might be a fair fight maybe but Between the Mc and Alucard who do you think would win?
What do you mean, next is the final arc. The story isn't even 25% done. The mc hasn't even reached city level, and you want him to fight universe destroying gods?
I read on the f95zone comments of this game that supposedly the dev wants to make other games that continue the story so i’m guessing that the ending isn’t gonna be
“-And then the Mc kills god and the monsters disappeared”
and instead its gonna be something more like:
“-And then we found the retard that put his foot on the door to our world and was letting in all the monsters and we beat them to death with hammers so now there are a lot less monsters and maybe they’ll be back later, anyway enjoy your harem. The END”
If the sarcasm wasn’t obvious, i also don’t see how in the world the story its gonna end in a single arc 🗿
i genuinely hope i get to eat my words and its the best ending i’ve ever seen. when i first found it i knew nothing, expected nothing and ended up very surprised
The route ends after MC killing guys scene (after gangbang) or it continues all the way until Deryl? IIRC before Deryl scene, when MC kills guys the route ends and you keep playing like normal. With this new scene MC kills guys but you play like normal until Liz meets Deryl and the other NTR scene happens?
Or is it like, it ends after gangbang, you continue like normal and gotta choose if to continue NTR route by letting Liz fuck Deryl?
Spoilers Before the fight with Cole and right after you wake up on the S.I.N hexenringe dimension after being captured and kept in a coma for the dream training arc, specifically when you go to rescue Liz and Amber and find Cole on Thanos's lab holding his dagger in one hand and half of Liz's head in the other. Tho there is another kinda unrelated scene in between that frame and Cole's fight actually starting
Hey is there a glitch in the fight with Cole or something? Cause i've gone through that like six times, using different choices each time and all i get is the Dead End: A Fight Fumbled no matter what i do. Help?
before i looked at the guide for the game i chose both wrong choices on Valravn’s fight every time and didnt even knew you could win without Brianna’s help, something similar might be happening to you with Cole.
Here’s the correct choices taken straight out of the walkthrough
What Are You? Human
What Do you Need? Death
What do you want? Heart/Weapon
What do you feel? Hate (+10 power) / Hope (+5 power, +1 Skill) / Nothing (+10 corruption +3 Skill)
Ignore it, focus my memories! (+1 win point)
I have to run (+1 win point)
Fast and Risky
With those choices you should be able to win regardless, tho having atleast 500 power and/or 40 skill can let you win easier or choose wrong options during this fight and still win
Edit: Apparently there are 2 win outcomes, picking these choices gives you 2 “win points” and having 500 power or 40 skill can give 1 point each too.
The “win without help” outcome needs atleast 3 win points
The “win with help” outcome needs atleast 2 win points (i personally havent seen this one, i assume michael and alice show up earlier or something. But it is what you are gonna get if you dont have the power or skill to get that third win point)
compressed and not compressed, what's the difference again? Also I know I asked this two times already but the more the merrier and I find it easier again.
I will probably write it down. Was there a good tip for the amount of training? I want to do other things beside training too, but I don't know these all of these easy dead ends you can get. I also haven't played this in a while, I was on the fence a bit I guess.
training is recommended on the beginning because you can die easily and will need to go back or restart the game. you will not lose the choices, there will be a scene mid game where time stops (before going to the mall with the gang) and you can choose all the options.
the difference in both downloads is just image quality. i really recommend downloading compressed, the difference is unnoticeable.
already got a perfect response on jmtrad’s comment but if you wanna hear it from multiple people then:
i got both game versions and i assume the compressed version being lower quality must be true but i cant tell at all, so i just kept the compressed version and deleted the other to save space. (took me like 4 hours to download the big one 💀)
as for training, i think i already answered your comment once about this, its not that big of a deal and like jmtrad said in the other comment you never lose options, tho depending what you chose to do FIRST there are some scenes that can change, like getting the option to go to the party on the MC’s female form, but you can train every time first and still get this options easily.
The reason training first is recommended is because there are a few points in the game where if you didnt train a certain amount of times by the time you reach them, the game is gonna kick your teeth in with a dead end that can only be avoided by having trained a certain amount of times, but i think those are actually pretty hard to get on accident unless you completely ignore training. it never happened to me anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Otherwise just train once, then do something else, then train gain, do something else, repeat ad infinite till the game no longer lets you train for a while.
regarding the meeting with clarence in the astral plane-it's not a trick right? like it isn't a different clarence who was just in the room when alice got revenge for what he did right? the language kinda confused me between thinking the narration was describing the mc experiencing the memory as either a different person in the room or from his own perspective within the memory.
That semen pheromone that Deryl uses in the recent update is pretty cool. How about having a H scene where the main character drinks it and fucks Deryl in female form. (Yes, I still know I am the only one that wants some MC Female Form + Deryl H scenes.)
Tbh there are so many female form scene possibilities, I hope we get many in the future. Overall the "degenerate" self is still underdeveloped, I hope we'll get more MC getting gangbanged etc in the future
unless i completely missed a different scene with it, that is only mentioned once when you capture the monster spider girl and tell deryl he can fuck her if he wants and he says something about creating a pheromone to convince her, we never see him making it or anything and i also dont think its mentioned to be semen, he only said pheromone
its been so long since i fully replayed the game from the start that i genuinely forgor 💀 that that shit exists
tho i guess i should have known, given that if you help her get deryl’s monster blood when she is trying to evolve, she goes do distract him and the game says “should i peek at what she is doing” or something like that but i only got a single option to not peek, it seems even with that i failed the neuron activation to realise that shit would have had another option on the ntr route
It is stated that Deryl may still be considered technically a monster:
But when we get to the portal, it rejects everyone, including him:
So does that mean that Deryl is still a superhuman, but one who needs to go through a special type of evolution (rebirth) to further evolve, or could he evolve normally? Thinking of how he evolved normally before (his first evolution), maybe he is just wrong, or maybe this is the Twelfth's trial.
I wondered myself when I reached that point.....if he would be a monster it should let him threw, maybe he is something in between now ? He never was a natural born monster , he was a human and then a superhuman..... eventually there is some more lore we will have to discover in future updates
Can't wait to find out, there are rarely any VN that long keeping the story interesting and me craving for more.... On top of my head just "Terminus Reach Sentinel" and "Sorcerer" pop into my mind.... and then we have unfinished ones like "Eternum" .... but I have to think a little longer to find something long and good (and yes the scenes in "Terminus Reach Sentinel" and "Sorcerer" are bad I know, but the storys are as great^^
I still have hope that by the end of the game Angelina will evolve and develop a power related to pregnancy (she will be able to be impregnated or evolve even further and be able to bestow ability to have children unto other superhumans) and thus pregnancy content enabled.
Also, no way in hell the game will be finished with only one or two updates. We have to finish the Monster World Arc, start and finish the End of the World Arc, and then go to the epilogue (consequences of our actions and the future of the world). If I were WeirdWorld, I'd finish the current arc and start the final one in the next update, take two more updates at least to finish the End of the World Arc, and then bring the epilogue (which should be easier, since it's more dialogue with already done art) in the 1.0.
In other words, updates 0.996, 0.997, 0.998, and 1.0 at least. Or not, I'm not Deus
Well, yeah that makes sense, but the way WeirdWorld sounds in his lives makes me believe that he wants to end things in 1.0, mainly considering how he says that he'll do the art update among other improvements of the early game in that update specifically
Gotta say, I'm slightly disappointed in the ending of that action scene at the end of the update. I'm really supposed to believe that, after everything they've individually been through, everybody but Michael just simultaneously ran out of power after like 90 seconds of fighting anything remotely strong? And even then, Michael was completely eclipsed by literally everything that could even be considered a threat. I don't want to seem like a hater or anything, because I loved the story content, but like... seriously? I know Weird is capable of better writing than this Deus Ex Machina crap. I refuse to believe the MC ran out of power that quickly, even with the damage he took. That fight looked quick and easy compared to other things he's faced, and he's much stronger now than he was 2 updates ago. Is this all we're capable of now? Either complete stomps or desperately clinging to life by virtue of chance?
Our group is fighting a horde + dozen of level B + 4 level A monsters counting with the fairy.
B Rank: This rank of monster is currently unbeatable with humanity's current level of technology even with using tanks, helicopters, or fighter jets. HERO sends Level 3s to combat this rank.
A Rank: This rank of monster has been denoted as a threat to an entire sector and if left unchecked, countless humans, hundreds of thousands more, will die. There is nothing any human can do against this rank of monster. No amount of preparation they could arrange. Even anti-monster weaponry HERO is developing would be useless against them. Only Level 4s and 5s are used by HERO to combat this rank of monster
Just finished the current update and I agree with Jmtrad, the group are simply overwhelmed from the horde of monsters and the four level A monsters. Despite everything the group went through, this is simply just too much for them to deal with especially with that lady monster at the end who now decided to interrupt them.
MC: Memory Link -> Forest of Thorns -> The A-class Cannon -> Green Lightning -> 8 Scythe at the same time -> Body cleaved in half -> Cool Power Armor -> Fighting the Immortal Monster -> Stretching
Alice: Max power Minute Collapsar -> Dozens of Dark Graviton Bomb -> Miniature Collapsar -> Reverse Gravity -> Dark Graviton Bomb
Liz: badly wounded by an A class (she's a level 1), but still has power probably
Deryl: didn't run out of power
Michael: HUNDREDS of corpses, at least one including S class
I believe that the MC lost his power, since lightning and stretching has always been stated as extremely energy consuming to resist and do respectively. Alice you may argue that it was a bit weird, won't try to deny it, but we also have to consider that the Sky Attraction has been stated since the beginning as irresistible if you try to fly, so only option was MC. Overall I don't think of it as a Deus Ex Machina or anything similar, more like a way to pave Michael's evolution, since he ingested the S class power. Could it have been done better? Yes, most times everything can be done better, that's the curse of writing. MC is stronger now? Yes, but everything he does in the previous major fight (Cole) was less energy consuming and grounded, except after MC started using Deryl's stone, and MC loses his power just after that.
I still have hope that in the end Angelina will evolve, develop superhuman pregnancy, and Xanthe/Deryl will be able to replicate it with every other superhuman
I don’t know, I’m not interested in anything that has to do with Deryl or any other male character, I’m only interested in the fact that the protagonist could impregnate the girls of his harem without problems, not only one but all of them, but that the superhuman is sterile, I didn’t like it.
It’s not because of pregnancy fetishism, but impregnation fetishism, that’s something else.
I was also bothered by amber and liz’s dilemma of “being together” I hope sometime that gets resolved, I liked them apart.
But well, that aside the game seems incredible to me.
You misunderstood me twice, my brother in fetishes.
Firstly, I am too a impregnation enjoyer, I just like also the pregnancy that follows and even the childcare after, if the game allows (not our case here).
Secondly, I said that we could get impregnation in the game. The way I would do if I was the writer would be something like:
Deryl: "Hey bro, I just made a fertility serum. Inject this and every girl you fuck will get pregnant."
MC: "How did you do this?"
Deryl: "You got Angelina pregnant, so we isolated the mutation that allowed her to get knocked up and replicated in the serum"
MC: "Cool" Proceeds to make an orgy with the harem*
And I agree, but it’s a bit far fetched, so it would have been better if it was normal by default. I doubt they will do it so you have to have faith.
Sure those fetishes turn me on quite a bit but as in real life you can’t go around getting women pregnant and I don’t have a harem so as always video games save the day but sometimes I can’t find everything in one place.
With the MC having the Body trait there's a good chance of him being able to change his sperm to fit the partner he's with, so there's still hope for you.
They aren't sterile, their genetics are changed so much by their monster parent that normally they wouldn't be able to have kids. But the MC should be able change their sperm's genetics to fit who ever they want.
Even if they were sterile in the traditional sense when they were human becoming a superhuman would fix that.
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yeah the dude under me just spoiled something so heads up and we are now in that 45-90 day range the update could drop anyday now
Nah man, I think the next update is still gonna take like a month and a half, Weird said the next one is gonna be a Battle of Diamonds level update
HOLY SHiT, I hope so
can someone tell me what was added, because i cant get anything after the last update where i think michael died or smt
Spoiler warning man. Some of us wait till a few updates come out before we play.
how long is this game
between 20-50 hours depends your reading speed
how much has changed? i havent played in like.... a year, end of the story the last time i played was when "that guy" turned into a monster and "that girl" was gonna launch some kind of attack against "that place"
sorry trying to keep it vague
Show post...
a lot
A lot a lot
Any good Samaritan tell me if there is more history with Mia? Is there any chance that I have a arc? The truth is that I really liked that character
Sadly nope. I still think she might be a possible romance and maybe even have her own ending where you end up with her and what you did to Jake its 100% gonna have consequences with her, but not yet. I guess we’ll see her when we return to the normal world hopefully in the next update. But i also thought we were leaving in this one, so maybe not. (i hope we can stop taking L’s after that massive last one)
Mia will obviously be part of the mc's harem at some point in the story, she and the other girls have relationship points. I recommend leaving Jake alive, surely it is the best option for a future romance with her. Besides, it will be beautiful to see how we make NTR to the idiot Jake.
Surely Weirdworld is waiting for the right moment to give a proper development to both mia and its route.
I've almost completed the entire gallery, just missing a couple of the weird scenes.
The eighth weird scene that looks like it's Briana, the seventh scene on page 2 of weird, and the last one that looks like another Liderc scene. Any get those ones?
I've been grinding for these lol.
Here’s what i know, if it helps you.
Spoilers click here
The first you mentioned can be accessed by buying the BIG dildo from the shopkeeper on the starting part of the game and choosing to masturbate with it, you shapeshift into Brianna.Second one i haven’t gotten to it myself but from what i read from the walkthrough if you have low relation with Jake during the prison arc you end up escaping in a different way which is where you can encounter that scene, its a corpse in the prison morgue. So basically be an asshole to Jake at every opportunity you get to get access to this one.
Third one is dependent on what you picked for Demi, if you chose to see Demi as a boy that monster also presents itself as one
Dude, I know that game update was long ago, but put that in spolers tag pls, or at least warn of spoilers so new ppl dont get spoiled. That being said, I am with you. he is a great character, but I am just sure something will happen and this is the same cliffhanger type shit that happened in Talos’s lab(that one was gutwrenching).
He didnt die? I mean there no confirm, and i belive he probably evolve or something.
i doubt he died. we will get him later, stronger than ever
Why in the fuck do you get to fuck Ella in the ear how would you even think of that why
Shapeshifters are kinky mfkers
SpiderShocker2099 thank you
Can I ask for Android, please.?
Honestly this game is so much more than I expected, simply put it's a masterpiece and if the creator see's this than thank you for making this game and I can't wait for more of it! Have a good day and if you ever wanna chat I am down.
anyone knows the difference between the compressed version and the uncompressed version? besides the uncompressed version being really fucking huge. is it a performance matter or?
its meant to be higher image quality but unless you got a 4k gaming rig just get the compressed
Alguém sabe o nome da música da última cena do Michael ?
O autor disse q ele mesmo fez essa música com IA
The new Liz and Deryl scene happens during Liz NTR route after the gangbang and MC killing them scene, right? or when that happens if you want the Liz x Deryl scene you gotta choose it with an option? (just curious) like, when you start Liz NTR route it goes all the way to Deryl? or it stops when MC kills guys and you need to choose again if you want to continue NTR route? Also, isn't Deryl model during that scene just a recolor of MC? (thats what I read at F95zone) I don't like NTR but I want 100% so yeah... good thing its that the NTR its optional and there are just a very few scenes.
Hi, I've downloaded the newest update and all my saves are gone. The gallery is still up to date so I've not lost everything. Is there a way to get my saves back? Edit-fixed it by closing and reloading the game. Possible bug fix in the future to be thought about.
I hope you have a lot more of ideas, can't get enough of that ^^
I am serious, a good story and good music implementation is more important than fancy graphics,better graphics , in some cases, just would enhance the experience.( also I have to say I like your unique style, I think it is a good choice for that kind of story).
Keep up the good work :) We surely appreciate it.
This is a hell of a game. Really enjoyed the powers as well as the genderbending and Futa content. A shame so much of it only applies to the cheerleader route. Though I understand how hard expanding it beyond specific routes would be.
I hope you don't end the game too abruptly. Still feels like we have a ways to go at the current end point. Like I would expect 2 acts minimum myself given how much seems to be left to do. Though perhaps its less than what I am aware of given I don't know whats on your mind.
Also the MC sure gets WIDE sometimes lol. Basic looks like a normal human but then sometimes he's a square.
i hope not
why not?
Hope not.
why not?
A bit late but i will post anyway. See you guys in 2025!
Of all the relatable characters, is there one that is the main/canon? I'm talking about romantic relationships
cant give you an answer with 100% certainty cuz the game isnt done yet but:
Ella. she is very clearly THE main girl
mucho texto
after her i think the other girls go in this order (IMO):
Alice -> Emily -> Liz -> Amber
Alice because she is very involved in the plot from the start and becomes our first big ally and also the first (aside from Ella) of the girls to become a superhuman.
Emily: i might be wrong about her importance cuz she hasnt done much yet but with the foreshadowing about her being special and her being the first person you meet when you start the game makes me think i might be right.
then Liz and Amber, Liz is more likely but MC is childhood friend with both of them and i just dont see it being them (neither individually nor poly with the two).
also, the harem route i think has exactly 0 chance that its “canon”. barely gets acknowledged, but i guess we’ll see
edit:i edited this comment to put it on a dropdown thingy cuz i keep posting walls of text
It's Ella for sure, relationships with her are far too complicated to be anything less)
With all the content abilities Who would win in a fight I think it might be a fair fight maybe but Between the Mc and Alucard who do you think would win?
Alucard would win by a lot. He straight up became kind of a god at the end of the series.
Is there going to be a mobile port for this game someday?
play with joiplay
What do you mean, next is the final arc. The story isn't even 25% done. The mc hasn't even reached city level, and you want him to fight universe destroying gods?
That is what I'm saying
I read on the f95zone comments of this game that supposedly the dev wants to make other games that continue the story so i’m guessing that the ending isn’t gonna be
“-And then the Mc kills god and the monsters disappeared”
and instead its gonna be something more like:
“-And then we found the retard that put his foot on the door to our world and was letting in all the monsters and we beat them to death with hammers so now there are a lot less monsters and maybe they’ll be back later, anyway enjoy your harem. The END”
If the sarcasm wasn’t obvious, i also don’t see how in the world the story its gonna end in a single arc 🗿
i genuinely hope i get to eat my words and its the best ending i’ve ever seen. when i first found it i knew nothing, expected nothing and ended up very surprised
Yeah i would love to have a Superhuman 2, but part of the charm is we are the Mc, so if there is another game i would like to continue as current mc
the game is not finishing with 1.0. and i doubt it's the final arc
He said that the final arc was gonna after the monster world arc, and hes making it seem as if he plans to end it soon.
Wait did N=Liz Ntr Mc with Deryl??
Only if you are on the Liz NTR route.
The route ends after MC killing guys scene (after gangbang) or it continues all the way until Deryl? IIRC before Deryl scene, when MC kills guys the route ends and you keep playing like normal. With this new scene MC kills guys but you play like normal until Liz meets Deryl and the other NTR scene happens?
Or is it like, it ends after gangbang, you continue like normal and gotta choose if to continue NTR route by letting Liz fuck Deryl?
On GOD cole is about to get his shi rocked
that exact frame was where an update ended. that cliffhanger hurts my soul to remember
Fr and i went full emo by the fact we got the clause treatment right when Cole was about to enter the lobby
How did u get that frame OF the mc
Can someone pls answer my question
what do you mean how? that happens when:
Before the fight with Cole and right after you wake up on the S.I.N hexenringe dimension after being captured and kept in a coma for the dream training arc, specifically when you go to rescue Liz and Amber and find Cole on Thanos's lab holding his dagger in one hand and half of Liz's head in the other. Tho there is another kinda unrelated scene in between that frame and Cole's fight actually startingIn my opinion Cole fight was awesome.
Hey is there a glitch in the fight with Cole or something? Cause i've gone through that like six times, using different choices each time and all i get is the Dead End: A Fight Fumbled no matter what i do. Help?
before i looked at the guide for the game i chose both wrong choices on Valravn’s fight every time and didnt even knew you could win without Brianna’s help, something similar might be happening to you with Cole.
Here’s the correct choices taken straight out of the walkthrough
What Are You? Human
What Do you Need? Death
What do you want? Heart/Weapon
What do you feel? Hate (+10 power) / Hope (+5 power, +1 Skill) / Nothing (+10 corruption +3 Skill)
Ignore it, focus my memories! (+1 win point)
I have to run (+1 win point)
Fast and Risky
With those choices you should be able to win regardless, tho having atleast 500 power and/or 40 skill can let you win easier or choose wrong options during this fight and still win
Edit: Apparently there are 2 win outcomes, picking these choices gives you 2 “win points” and having 500 power or 40 skill can give 1 point each too.
pls android
Joiplay. Compressed version. Is playable on android devices.
compressed and not compressed, what's the difference again? Also I know I asked this two times already but the more the merrier and I find it easier again.
I will probably write it down. Was there a good tip for the amount of training? I want to do other things beside training too, but I don't know these all of these easy dead ends you can get. I also haven't played this in a while, I was on the fence a bit I guess.
training is recommended on the beginning because you can die easily and will need to go back or restart the game. you will not lose the choices, there will be a scene mid game where time stops (before going to the mall with the gang) and you can choose all the options.
the difference in both downloads is just image quality. i really recommend downloading compressed, the difference is unnoticeable.
have fun!
already got a perfect response on jmtrad’s comment but if you wanna hear it from multiple people then:
i got both game versions and i assume the compressed version being lower quality must be true but i cant tell at all, so i just kept the compressed version and deleted the other to save space. (took me like 4 hours to download the big one 💀)
as for training, i think i already answered your comment once about this, its not that big of a deal and like jmtrad said in the other comment you never lose options, tho depending what you chose to do FIRST there are some scenes that can change, like getting the option to go to the party on the MC’s female form, but you can train every time first and still get this options easily.
The reason training first is recommended is because there are a few points in the game where if you didnt train a certain amount of times by the time you reach them, the game is gonna kick your teeth in with a dead end that can only be avoided by having trained a certain amount of times, but i think those are actually pretty hard to get on accident unless you completely ignore training. it never happened to me anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Otherwise just train once, then do something else, then train gain, do something else, repeat ad infinite till the game no longer lets you train for a while.
regarding the meeting with clarence in the astral plane-it's not a trick right? like it isn't a different clarence who was just in the room when alice got revenge for what he did right? the language kinda confused me between thinking the narration was describing the mc experiencing the memory as either a different person in the room or from his own perspective within the memory.
god this game feels massive. I’ve expected it to end like 3 times already. incredible game.
That semen pheromone that Deryl uses in the recent update is pretty cool. How about having a H scene where the main character drinks it and fucks Deryl in female form. (Yes, I still know I am the only one that wants some MC Female Form + Deryl H scenes.)
Tbh there are so many female form scene possibilities, I hope we get many in the future. Overall the "degenerate" self is still underdeveloped, I hope we'll get more MC getting gangbanged etc in the future
Wait, what semen pheromone? When did he create or use it?
unless i completely missed a different scene with it, that is only mentioned once when you capture the monster spider girl and tell deryl he can fuck her if he wants and he says something about creating a pheromone to convince her, we never see him making it or anything and i also dont think its mentioned to be semen, he only said pheromone
There’s a new Liz ntr scene where Liz fucks Deryl to distract him. Deryl gives her the semen pheromones in that scene.
its been so long since i fully replayed the game from the start that i genuinely forgor 💀 that that shit exists
tho i guess i should have known, given that if you help her get deryl’s monster blood when she is trying to evolve, she goes do distract him and the game says “should i peek at what she is doing” or something like that but i only got a single option to not peek, it seems even with that i failed the neuron activation to realise that shit would have had another option on the ntr route
Well that explains why we can peek on her distracting him. I did find weird that there was only a short dialogue
Oh, the spider girl. I told him not to do it. Hadn't seen that dialogue
Deryl uses it on Liz in the most recent Ntr scene
How did you get that scene? I can't figure it out.
You have to be on Lizs ntr route and peek on Liz when shes distracting Deryl
worst scare in any game I’ve played.
“I hope you enjo-”
I KNOW RIGHT? He got me good too! This game is awesome.
It is stated that Deryl may still be considered technically a monster:
But when we get to the portal, it rejects everyone, including him:
So does that mean that Deryl is still a superhuman, but one who needs to go through a special type of evolution (rebirth) to further evolve, or could he evolve normally? Thinking of how he evolved normally before (his first evolution), maybe he is just wrong, or maybe this is the Twelfth's trial.
I wondered myself when I reached that point.....if he would be a monster it should let him threw, maybe he is something in between now ? He never was a natural born monster , he was a human and then a superhuman..... eventually there is some more lore we will have to discover in future updates
Can't wait to find out, there are rarely any VN that long keeping the story interesting and me craving for more.... On top of my head just "Terminus Reach Sentinel" and "Sorcerer" pop into my mind.... and then we have unfinished ones like "Eternum" .... but I have to think a little longer to find something long and good (and yes the scenes in "Terminus Reach Sentinel" and "Sorcerer" are bad I know, but the storys are as great^^
Yeah, aside from Eternum, the only VN in the same level I can think of is Harem Hotel. Superhuman is just too good
I have just deleted and re-downloaded the game as I do every free update. Thanks for the work and the best visual novel I ever read slash played.
I still have hope that by the end of the game Angelina will evolve and develop a power related to pregnancy (she will be able to be impregnated or evolve even further and be able to bestow ability to have children unto other superhumans) and thus pregnancy content enabled.
Also, no way in hell the game will be finished with only one or two updates. We have to finish the Monster World Arc, start and finish the End of the World Arc, and then go to the epilogue (consequences of our actions and the future of the world). If I were WeirdWorld, I'd finish the current arc and start the final one in the next update, take two more updates at least to finish the End of the World Arc, and then bring the epilogue (which should be easier, since it's more dialogue with already done art) in the 1.0.
In other words, updates 0.996, 0.997, 0.998, and 1.0 at least. Or not, I'm not Deus
I think is very safe to assume that 1.0 will end with them returning to Earth and hopefully early art update.
Then he will do 1.1, 1.2, 1.3... The numbers are kinda of a mess, but 1.0 don't mean end of Superhuman.
Well, yeah that makes sense, but the way WeirdWorld sounds in his lives makes me believe that he wants to end things in 1.0, mainly considering how he says that he'll do the art update among other improvements of the early game in that update specifically
I honestly don't want this game to finish
I am sound selfish
But this is one of the best games I've played in a long time
There is still so much to wrap up that it can't be done in one update
Gotta say, I'm slightly disappointed in the ending of that action scene at the end of the update. I'm really supposed to believe that, after everything they've individually been through, everybody but Michael just simultaneously ran out of power after like 90 seconds of fighting anything remotely strong? And even then, Michael was completely eclipsed by literally everything that could even be considered a threat. I don't want to seem like a hater or anything, because I loved the story content, but like... seriously? I know Weird is capable of better writing than this Deus Ex Machina crap. I refuse to believe the MC ran out of power that quickly, even with the damage he took. That fight looked quick and easy compared to other things he's faced, and he's much stronger now than he was 2 updates ago. Is this all we're capable of now? Either complete stomps or desperately clinging to life by virtue of chance?
Our group is fighting a horde + dozen of level B + 4 level A monsters counting with the fairy.
B Rank: This rank of monster is currently unbeatable with humanity's current level of technology even with using tanks, helicopters, or fighter jets. HERO sends Level 3s to combat this rank.
A Rank: This rank of monster has been denoted as a threat to an entire sector and if left unchecked, countless humans, hundreds of thousands more, will die. There is nothing any human can do against this rank of monster. No amount of preparation they could arrange. Even anti-monster weaponry HERO is developing would be useless against them. Only Level 4s and 5s are used by HERO to combat this rank of monster
Just finished the current update and I agree with Jmtrad, the group are simply overwhelmed from the horde of monsters and the four level A monsters. Despite everything the group went through, this is simply just too much for them to deal with especially with that lady monster at the end who now decided to interrupt them.
MC: Memory Link -> Forest of Thorns -> The A-class Cannon -> Green Lightning -> 8 Scythe at the same time -> Body cleaved in half -> Cool Power Armor -> Fighting the Immortal Monster -> Stretching
Alice: Max power Minute Collapsar -> Dozens of Dark Graviton Bomb -> Miniature Collapsar -> Reverse Gravity -> Dark Graviton Bomb
Liz: badly wounded by an A class (she's a level 1), but still has power probably
Deryl: didn't run out of power
Michael: HUNDREDS of corpses, at least one including S class
I believe that the MC lost his power, since lightning and stretching has always been stated as extremely energy consuming to resist and do respectively. Alice you may argue that it was a bit weird, won't try to deny it, but we also have to consider that the Sky Attraction has been stated since the beginning as irresistible if you try to fly, so only option was MC. Overall I don't think of it as a Deus Ex Machina or anything similar, more like a way to pave Michael's evolution, since he ingested the S class power. Could it have been done better? Yes, most times everything can be done better, that's the curse of writing. MC is stronger now? Yes, but everything he does in the previous major fight (Cole) was less energy consuming and grounded, except after MC started using Deryl's stone, and MC loses his power just after that.
A bit disappointing that the MC becomes sterile, it wasn't necessary but other than that the game is great.
The dislike-giver is going to marry Jared.
I still have hope that in the end Angelina will evolve, develop superhuman pregnancy, and Xanthe/Deryl will be able to replicate it with every other superhuman
I don’t know, I’m not interested in anything that has to do with Deryl or any other male character, I’m only interested in the fact that the protagonist could impregnate the girls of his harem without problems, not only one but all of them, but that the superhuman is sterile, I didn’t like it.
It’s not because of pregnancy fetishism, but impregnation fetishism, that’s something else.
I was also bothered by amber and liz’s dilemma of “being together” I hope sometime that gets resolved, I liked them apart.
But well, that aside the game seems incredible to me.
You misunderstood me twice, my brother in fetishes.
Firstly, I am too a impregnation enjoyer, I just like also the pregnancy that follows and even the childcare after, if the game allows (not our case here).
Secondly, I said that we could get impregnation in the game. The way I would do if I was the writer would be something like:
Deryl: "Hey bro, I just made a fertility serum. Inject this and every girl you fuck will get pregnant."
MC: "How did you do this?"
Deryl: "You got Angelina pregnant, so we isolated the mutation that allowed her to get knocked up and replicated in the serum"
MC: "Cool" Proceeds to make an orgy with the harem*
Yes, sorry, English is not my native language.
And I agree, but it’s a bit far fetched, so it would have been better if it was normal by default. I doubt they will do it so you have to have faith.
Sure those fetishes turn me on quite a bit but as in real life you can’t go around getting women pregnant and I don’t have a harem so as always video games save the day but sometimes I can’t find everything in one place.
With the MC having the Body trait there's a good chance of him being able to change his sperm to fit the partner he's with, so there's still hope for you.
That doesn’t work for me because even if the MC isn’t sterile, the superhuman girls will be, and there are several that are, and I like them.
They aren't sterile, their genetics are changed so much by their monster parent that normally they wouldn't be able to have kids. But the MC should be able change their sperm's genetics to fit who ever they want.
Even if they were sterile in the traditional sense when they were human becoming a superhuman would fix that.